Manchester to Blackpool - a bit long

cattytown Posts: 647
edited October 2016 in Road beginners
Manchester to Blackpool

Last year I was rather overweight, and the performances of British cyclists inspired me to get my bike out again. A first ride was into the local town – a little over a mile and I could barely stand when I got there. I carried on, got a road bike and started to think about a target for myself. The Manchester to Blackpool fit the bill as it was a challenging but not scary challenging 60 miles, was a reasonable time off (about eight months at the time) and the clincher – it was for the Christie Hospital where Susanne had her Chemo and Radiotherapy.

I decided to book early and go public to make changing my mind more difficult.

Then followed rides, slowly increasing the distance I was covering but miles dropped over the winter, and it was March before I managed to start getting out on the roads again. In that last few weeks before the MtoB I was looking at longer rides, with the longest being 58 miles to Southport and back.

On the last few days before the ride there were two things that were worrying me a little. The first was the weather. We have been having some rather sunny weather – it made the Southport run hard work he week before. The second was sheer numbers. Apparently attendance on the MtoB is around 8,000 riders. I had visions of it being one long procession…

The day before was prep time, getting as much ready as possible beforehand. The boys were sleeping at my mum’s to help the early start. The planned early start meant I didn’t want to have too much to think about in the morning., so the bike was checked over, gears adjusted, tyres checked, drive chain lubed and a couple of loose spokes tightened. Malt loaf buttered and in a bag, bananas ready. My helmet and shoes put near the door and a bag with a change of clothes and a few other bits by the door.

I had been planning a 7 am start to beat the main rush, so a little working backwards from that led to an 05:30 alarm. On a Sunday.

I got a poor sleep – a combination of temperature and anticipation combining.

On the alarm I was up, Brew made for Susanne, pan of porridge simmering on the hob and rubbing sunscreen in. Everything into the car and we set off to Old Trafford.

A quick banana on arrival at Old Trafford, and we went to to the start point. I had registered early so didn’t need to check in on the day, just turn up at the start line, hand in my entry card and collect a route map. I asked for a spare for Susanne, so she could see what the route was to better judge my progress to meet me in Blackpool.

The plan was Susanne would go home later dropping me off, my parents would drop the boys home at 9 am, they would head up to the cheering point at a pub 44 miles along the route and Susanne would head to Blackpool with the boys. The intention was that the boys would get a play on the beach then they would wait at the finish for me.

The weather at this point (much to my relief) was bright but cool.

Just after 7 the tape in front of me was lowered. And I was off. That put Old Trafford exactly where it should be – behind me! It took a couple of minutes to realise I hadn’t pressed the start button on the computer. The Trafford area of Manchester is rather industrial, so the first few miles were never going to be pretty. They were also a little harder than I expected, as there were quite a few slower riders. I’m no Bradley Wiggins, but some were making me wonder how they could ride so slowly without falling off. It was particularly inconvenient when they were riding four abreast.

We headed east away from Manchester and close to the Trafford centre. From there through Worsley Towards Leigh. I had a rough idea of the shape of the route, as the feed points were published beforehand, but I didn’t know details. That rough shape meant that the start of the route was slowly working uphill.

I started to get a little concerned about my average speed – I normally average a little over 13 mph on a ride. I was up at 16. I still had a long way to go.

Once we got to Leigh we were into roads I knew. I was well prepared food and drink wise, and was just nicely warmed up so I passed the first feed point at Howe Bridge. I do worry about riders tat need a feed point so early. It was also an opportunity to neatly pass a lot of the slower riders who would have been highly represented in the users of the feed point. At this point I was passing far more than I was being passed so I was feeling good, despite my worry about setting off too quickly. Just along here I also found how unpleasant it can be being passed by a cycle club not prepared to drop to single file to overtake.

All along the route were small groups of people – I don’t know if they were looking for particular riders or just watching all the bikes ride past, but the encouragement from them felt fabulous.

From there the route went through Westhoughton, passing about ¾ mile from home, and headed up to the A6. Just before the A6 I spotted the first familiar face – one of Susanne’s baby gang friends. She looked a little surprised to see me so early.

Most of the day’s planning had revolved around me averaging a little over 13 mph. I was wondering if I might beat Susanne to Blackpool.

While heading up the A6 a little I ate my second banana. We went as far as Dicconson lane where we headed towards Aspull. This particular route choice is a bit of an indication of the friendliness of the route. We were reasonably close to Rivington so that could have been a cruel addition, or just going one stop further up the A6 would have put in a short but steep climb. Along Bolton road I spotted my auntie and uncle. They were just out for a walk rather than waiting for me.

Before long we were on our way to Haigh Hall – the second stop on the route, and the highest point of the ride. It was rather nice knowing that overall it was downhill from here. Being roads I knew the climb was not a problem. From Haigh we headed towards Standish. Along this stretch I saw one rider drafting a flatbed truck. Brave man.

I was also appreciative of how well signed the route was – OK I knew the roads and where we were likely to be going, but that added to confidence later. It was also a weird feeling having ridden so far and not been out of sight of several other bikes.

Once at Standish we turned in the direction of Chorley and Preston along the A49, heading through Heath Charnock.

I think it was along this bit that I saw signs along the road hinting at water available to cyclists. My first though was the some enterprising person may have set up a stall selling bottled water. When I found it it was actually someone who had just got their hosepipe outand left it at the end of their drive for cyclists to top up bottles.

It was here that I had the low point Heading downhill and with a bit of speed up I was just about to pass another bike when she just went down. I didn’t see anything on the road to cause it. I can only guess she may have become aware of speed (> 30 mph) and braked too much. The first thing on my mind was avoiding both her and her bike. Once safely past I thought about stopping, but the guy in front of me started looking round for her and turned back. So she was going to be looked after.

Past feed point three – by this time I was nibbling away on my malt loaf. Ace fuel for a bike ride.

After Heath Charnock we went west a little over the top of the M6 to avoid the industry-heavy south end of Preston, then went North again towards Preston. On the approach to Preston at one set of lights there must have been around 30 of us waiting at a red light. As the lights changes the sound of all the riders clipping back in to their pedals was amusing.

We skirted the south west of Preston, going through Penwortham.

Around Penwortham there were a lot of us waiting at a red light, when three riders (part of the ride) rode up the outside and turned right ignoring the lights. They got quite a lot of abuse hurled their way. As that marked the 40 mile point, I stopped to let Susanne & my parents know my progress as I was still quite a bit ahead of the plan. From the 40 mile point we were getting countdown distance markers.

We then crossed the River Ribble and passed the Marina. For some reason Strava thinks the exit from the Marina area was a cat 4 climb. I think it was mistaken. Shortly after here I saw the only junction on the route that didn’t have a sign. There was only myself and one other rider in view – a most unusual situation on the ride. We discussed it for a moment and made a call, following he road we were on through a 90-degree right. We rode together for a few mins until we got the reassurance of another sign. Another feed station was passed – I was not using as much water as planned and still had plenty of food left.

Leaving Preston we then did a little “hump” north in the route to take the distance up to 60 miles, neatly avoiding too much of the main road from Preston to Blackpool. This was really a rather pleasant little detour. It took us past the cheering point where my parents were waiting to cheer me on.

From here I took a couple of stops to try to make sure Susanne knew how far ahead I was.

This little loop took us through Kirkham. At one point I looked up at the road ahead, and literally mean looking up! I tried to drop down to the small ring at the front to handle what I saw only to realise I was already on the smaller ring. Needless to say my speed dropped a little! I passed a girl on the way up – I was surprised that anyone was going slower than I was! The marshals at this junction were telling us the traffic situation on the road so we didn’t have to stop is if was clear. I took the first opportunity to stop after that to get my breath back. I also had the one and only gel of the ride at that point to get something back quickly. The girl I passed also stopped and we exchanged a few words along the lines of “that wouldn’t have been too bad 30 miles ago” and then went on our way. Later checks suggest some bits were 16%.

Around here I started to notice just how many discarded gel pouches my fellow cyclists were littering the road with.

From Kirkham we dropped down towards Freckleton and Warton where the ride levelled out, no more climbs or descents. I have often grumbled that there’s nothing level near home. We are always going up or down. The flat I found to be a different challenge. There was no place to hide. Stop pedalling and you’ll stop moving.

Again I passed the refreshment stop – I was doing OK, even if feeling it in my thighs a little, and just wanted to get to the finish where Susanne and the boys were hopefully waiting for me.

Remember I mentioned the distance markers? I was thinking the 5 miles mark must be here soon. I spotted a marker - 8 miles to go!

Around here we started with the headwind near the coast, and the route took us along Lytham prom, where we were alongside a run – a half marathon I think, which meant two confusing distance markers. I spotted one that was clearly ours – 4 miles to go - and tried to phone Susanne to check where she was and let her know when to expect me. Instead I had to send a text.

After the prom a little kink put us back on the main road for the final stretch.

I carried on and was struggling a little with the headwind, and looking up to see if I could see the glitterball yet. As I approached the airport I saw a light aircraft taking off. I also noticed someone drafting me. I didn’t mind too much as I had taken a little (and given a little) along the way. It took a few moments before I realised that my text stop had let hill girl catch up, and it was her. The head wind was causing me more of a problem and I was slowing down a little. That led to hill girl discovering one of the indicators of the benefit of a draft. I had slowed down a little, and she decided to come past, only to find she couldn’t manage even the lower speed out of the shelter and I ended up passing her again.

Then I saw the glitter ball, and the finish line, As I got to the line I saw Susanne and the boys there on the left a wave and I was across the line, just as I heard the announcer tell everyone my name. A few minutes for hellos and a picture or two and we headed off for lunch. The bike went into the back of the car, I put more conventional clothing on and fish chips and mushy peas went down very well. A lovely day in Blackpool meant time for the boys to play on the beach. The intention had been they got to play to kill time before I arrived, but I was a little quick on the ride up.

I was rather pleased with the treatment by car drivers along the way – I could understand how it could have been frustrating for drivers going the same way but I don’t recall any real issues with them along the way.

I was a little disappointed with some of my fellow riders. The attitude to red lights, the riding four abreast and the clubs insisting on coming past en masse, and the littering!

I liked the route. Trying to have a route that heads up out of Manchester through Leigh, through part of Bolton, past Chorley, past Preston and onto Blackpool that is easy to navigate and enjoyable to ride, without spending too much time on busy main roads is a challenge they met rather well.

I liked the support long the route – wehether it be people watching for a friend or relative, or just watching the bike pass on a nice day.

It was well signed – I think even my dad could have followed the route!

No punctures, no mechanical issues, no need for extended stops along the way to recover and I am happy with the ride up. I expected around 13 mph, but averaged 15 mph on the bike computer on arrival (14.9 mph online afterwards).

I did a recorded 61.6 miles (probably 62 – remember the delayed start of the computer) in a total of 4 hrs 26 mins, a moving time of 4:08 and a moving average of 14.9 mph. I got a couple of PBs on some stretches I ride occasionally. According to Garmin I also knocked 11 mins off my previous personal best for 40 KM (25 miles or so)

I might even be tempted to do it again next year!
Giant Defy 2
Large bloke getting smaller :-)


  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    What did Susanne do while you were riding?
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Went home, did the washing up and some laundry, collected the boys and drove to Blackpool to collect me!

    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    Well done :D

    I agree with the riding on flats statement. I live right near Bolton, and do a lot of my cycling in surrounding areas (Rivington, Edenfield, etc) and as you mentioned, 99% of the time you are either going up or down. I rode to Fleetwood a couple of weeks ago. After Preston, I found the flat section surprisingly more difficult than I was expecting, something I'm not used to. I went there and back so had only climbs (Preston, Belmont,etc) at the start and end, with about 60 miles of flat in between. Round here, I'm lucky if I can find more 2 miles of flat road.
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Jon - 99% up or down? Is the remaining 1% "waiting at traffic lights"
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    cattytown wrote:
    Jon - 99% up or down? Is the remaining 1% "waiting at traffic lights"

    :D lol, good point. the 1% is my driveway 8) go to the end of that and its a choice of a uphill or downhill start (usually uphill).
  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    I did it last year but wasn't able to yesterday. Top ride!
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Good write up and well done on a great time - the times I've done it I've always recorded a distance of 62 - so you did a metric century - chapeau.

    I did the ride yesterday - you made the right choice setting off so early - I left later - it was chaos - never seen so much bad riding -one guy was hit jumping a red light and another and another tapped by a car after he pulled out without looking trying to pass 4 abreast riders- some wouldnt even pull over for the ambulance :shock: -

    the worst was a few people holding onto an asda lorry as it dragged itself up by haigh hall - truly the worst days riding for me. Its a shame because its a really good ride, the finish is amazing with the people cheering but I guess the sun brought out too many idiots.

    I was speaking to marshall at haigh hall and he said there had been moves to ban the ride but the numbers who did it and the fact it was for charity made it difficult - needs to be changed imo.

    Highlight for me was the guy riding with an attachment to the fornt of his bike on which he had a young girl in wheel chair - biking in the sun should be for every one.

    That slope by kirkham catches most out, hehe.

    Chips and mushy peas - now why didnt I think of that one. :D
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    The bike with the attachment - I think I may have passed that quite early, two main thought at that were "fab" and "he's got his work cut out!"

    Getting a physical tow is cheating yourself as much as anything, and that run up to Haigh hall isn't anything particularly challenging really.

    I wonder What percentage don't finish the ride?

    As for the chips - I have noticed that if I have something protein heavy quickly after a ride, it really staves off the munchies later. At home it's a 2-egg omelette. I started thinking about options for something with a decent level of protein I could readily get in Blackpool and decided the safest bet to plan on was fish:-)
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    I did the ride yesterday - you made the right choice setting off so early - I left later - it was chaos - never seen so much bad riding -one guy was hit jumping a red light and another and another tapped by a car after he pulled out without looking trying to pass 4 abreast riders- some wouldnt even pull over for the ambulance :shock: -

    the worst was a few people holding onto an asda lorry as it dragged itself up by haigh hall - truly the worst days riding for me. Its a shame because its a really good ride, the finish is amazing with the people cheering but I guess the sun brought out too many idiots.

    I had a feeling it might be like that, the main reason I didn't enter. :cry:
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Overall I think 07:00 was about right - past most of the casual riders before Leigh really.
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • mikelskas
    mikelskas Posts: 57
    Nice write up. Wish I'd have done it now! Always next year!
    2011 Jamis Ventura Race
    2016 BMC TeamMachine SLR02
  • crikey
    crikey Posts: 362
    Future targets to aim for;
    1) Riding from where you live to the start then riding M to B.
    2) Riding from M to B then riding home again.
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Riding home afterwards with a little extra would make it a century, though I wonder about the mental side of passing a finish line, then having another 40 to go...
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    cattytown wrote:
    Riding home afterwards with a little extra would make it a century, though I wonder about the mental side of passing a finish line, then having another 40 to go...

    Just think of the finish as another food stop - eat a bit drink a bit soak up the atmosphere - re fuel and then take the last at a very easy pace.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Excellent write up. My targets are the Manchester Ride, and Manchester to Blackpool next year. Pick up my new bike this week, and the training starts!!
  • Davdandy
    Davdandy Posts: 571
    Great write up Paul,if a tad short though.Do put more effort into your post`s next time. :mrgreen:

    Only jesting mate,that sounds like a storming day out,i wish i had entered it now,i did consider it but wondered if i was ready,i now know i am but earlier not quite so.And what a beautiful weekend to do it on too.well done mate. :D
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Thanks for the positive comments everyone.

    Gareth - should be easy enough. Just get in miles as often as you can. You have around a year to get ready. I was 18st in August last ear. I'm no lightweight at 16 st now, but it's going the right way. I was tempted with the Manchester ride, but the idea of it just being laps to get the 13/26/52 miles put me off a little. Whereabouts are you? From the Strava link you can see exactly where the route went this year. Most people comment on the run to haigh hall, but that didn't tax me the hill at kirkham and the headwind at Lytham were the two hardest bits for me. Knowing the route can make it less intimidating.

    Dave - you'd have managed it:-)

    From comments here and elsewhere, aim for a 7 am start. If it's a hot day you get the cooler bit, and you can get the casual riders out of the way earlier in the route.

    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Davdandy
    Davdandy Posts: 571
    Did you not fancy cycling back Paul?

    Might try going round Belmont this week/weekend,along Scout road as my brother lives over there.Anywhere near your place Paul?
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    You may well pass near me - alas I have a busy weekend ahead, and am on call :-(

    I thought of coming back, but as the family were there to meet me I'd have felt I was being a little rude.
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • Glad you enjoied it OP.
    I also started this time last year, and thought I'd use Sunday as a bit of a milestone. Really enjoied the ride, and agree re. the casuals 3-4 abreast - worst were people effectively copying the middle lane / outer laning muppets on motorways, showing no empathy for the cars.
    I went for home - manchester - blackpool - home, which was the longest ride I've done, and also the hardest mentally - I was on my own from Blackpool to home pretty much. I did score some smile / karma points though - 2 young lasses by the side of the road, one of whom hadn't prepared and so took 5 hours to do 25 miles - barely doing a couple of miles between her chain coming off. Thankfully, I had a screwdriver / allen key combo, so fixed them up and sent them on their way. I blame that karma for not having a puncture 5 miles from home - at that point I was ready to cry!
    Anways, obligatory strava link...
  • Davdandy
    Davdandy Posts: 571
    cattytown wrote:
    You may well pass near me - alas I have a busy weekend ahead, and am on call :-(

    I thought of coming back, but as the family were there to meet me I'd have felt I was being a little rude.

    Yes,family must come first
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Graham - That's some ride and a fair pace fir it too - chapeau!
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • cattytown wrote:
    Manchester to Blackpool

    Last year I was rather overweight, and the performances of British cyclists inspired me to get my bike out again. A first ride was into the local town – a little over a mile and I could barely stand when I got there. I carried on, got a road bike and started to think about a target for myself. The Manchester to Blackpool fit the bill as it was a challenging but not scary challenging 60 miles, was a reasonable time off (about eight months at the time) and the clincher – it was for the Christie Hospital where Susanne had her Chemo and Radiotherapy.

    I decided to book early and go public to make changing my mind more difficult.

    Then followed rides, slowly increasing the distance I was covering but miles dropped over the winter, and it was March before I managed to start getting out on the roads again. In that last few weeks before the MtoB I was looking at longer rides, with the longest being 58 miles to Southport and back.

    On the last few days before the ride there were two things that were worrying me a little. The first was the weather. We have been having some rather sunny weather – it made the Southport run hard work he week before. The second was sheer numbers. Apparently attendance on the MtoB is around 8,000 riders. I had visions of it being one long procession…

    The day before was prep time, getting as much ready as possible beforehand. The boys were sleeping at my mum’s to help the early start. The planned early start meant I didn’t want to have too much to think about in the morning., so the bike was checked over, gears adjusted, tyres checked, drive chain lubed and a couple of loose spokes tightened. Malt loaf buttered and in a bag, bananas ready. My helmet and shoes put near the door and a bag with a change of clothes and a few other bits by the door.

    I had been planning a 7 am start to beat the main rush, so a little working backwards from that led to an 05:30 alarm. On a Sunday.

    I got a poor sleep – a combination of temperature and anticipation combining.

    On the alarm I was up, Brew made for Susanne, pan of porridge simmering on the hob and rubbing sunscreen in. Everything into the car and we set off to Old Trafford.

    A quick banana on arrival at Old Trafford, and we went to to the start point. I had registered early so didn’t need to check in on the day, just turn up at the start line, hand in my entry card and collect a route map. I asked for a spare for Susanne, so she could see what the route was to better judge my progress to meet me in Blackpool.

    The plan was Susanne would go home later dropping me off, my parents would drop the boys home at 9 am, they would head up to the cheering point at a pub 44 miles along the route and Susanne would head to Blackpool with the boys. The intention was that the boys would get a play on the beach then they would wait at the finish for me.

    The weather at this point (much to my relief) was bright but cool.

    Just after 7 the tape in front of me was lowered. And I was off. That put Old Trafford exactly where it should be – behind me! It took a couple of minutes to realise I hadn’t pressed the start button on the computer. The Trafford area of Manchester is rather industrial, so the first few miles were never going to be pretty. They were also a little harder than I expected, as there were quite a few slower riders. I’m no Bradley Wiggins, but some were making me wonder how they could ride so slowly without falling off. It was particularly inconvenient when they were riding four abreast.

    We headed east away from Manchester and close to the Trafford centre. From there through Worsley Towards Leigh. I had a rough idea of the shape of the route, as the feed points were published beforehand, but I didn’t know details. That rough shape meant that the start of the route was slowly working uphill.

    I started to get a little concerned about my average speed – I normally average a little over 13 mph on a ride. I was up at 16. I still had a long way to go.

    Once we got to Leigh we were into roads I knew. I was well prepared food and drink wise, and was just nicely warmed up so I passed the first feed point at Howe Bridge. I do worry about riders tat need a feed point so early. It was also an opportunity to neatly pass a lot of the slower riders who would have been highly represented in the users of the feed point. At this point I was passing far more than I was being passed so I was feeling good, despite my worry about setting off too quickly. Just along here I also found how unpleasant it can be being passed by a cycle club not prepared to drop to single file to overtake.

    All along the route were small groups of people – I don’t know if they were looking for particular riders or just watching all the bikes ride past, but the encouragement from them felt fabulous.

    From there the route went through Westhoughton, passing about ¾ mile from home, and headed up to the A6. Just before the A6 I spotted the first familiar face – one of Susanne’s baby gang friends. She looked a little surprised to see me so early.

    Most of the day’s planning had revolved around me averaging a little over 13 mph. I was wondering if I might beat Susanne to Blackpool.

    While heading up the A6 a little I ate my second banana. We went as far as Dicconson lane where we headed towards Aspull. This particular route choice is a bit of an indication of the friendliness of the route. We were reasonably close to Rivington so that could have been a cruel addition, or just going one stop further up the A6 would have put in a short but steep climb. Along Bolton road I spotted my auntie and uncle. They were just out for a walk rather than waiting for me.

    Before long we were on our way to Haigh Hall – the second stop on the route, and the highest point of the ride. It was rather nice knowing that overall it was downhill from here. Being roads I knew the climb was not a problem. From Haigh we headed towards Standish. Along this stretch I saw one rider drafting a flatbed truck. Brave man.

    I was also appreciative of how well signed the route was – OK I knew the roads and where we were likely to be going, but that added to confidence later. It was also a weird feeling having ridden so far and not been out of sight of several other bikes.

    Once at Standish we turned in the direction of Chorley and Preston along the A49, heading through Heath Charnock.

    I think it was along this bit that I saw signs along the road hinting at water available to cyclists. My first though was the some enterprising person may have set up a stall selling bottled water. When I found it it was actually someone who had just got their hosepipe outand left it at the end of their drive for cyclists to top up bottles.

    It was here that I had the low point Heading downhill and with a bit of speed up I was just about to pass another bike when she just went down. I didn’t see anything on the road to cause it. I can only guess she may have become aware of speed (> 30 mph) and braked too much. The first thing on my mind was avoiding both her and her bike. Once safely past I thought about stopping, but the guy in front of me started looking round for her and turned back. So she was going to be looked after.

    Past feed point three – by this time I was nibbling away on my malt loaf. Ace fuel for a bike ride.

    After Heath Charnock we went west a little over the top of the M6 to avoid the industry-heavy south end of Preston, then went North again towards Preston. On the approach to Preston at one set of lights there must have been around 30 of us waiting at a red light. As the lights changes the sound of all the riders clipping back in to their pedals was amusing.

    We skirted the south west of Preston, going through Penwortham.

    Around Penwortham there were a lot of us waiting at a red light, when three riders (part of the ride) rode up the outside and turned right ignoring the lights. They got quite a lot of abuse hurled their way. As that marked the 40 mile point, I stopped to let Susanne & my parents know my progress as I was still quite a bit ahead of the plan. From the 40 mile point we were getting countdown distance markers.

    We then crossed the River Ribble and passed the Marina. For some reason Strava thinks the exit from the Marina area was a cat 4 climb. I think it was mistaken. Shortly after here I saw the only junction on the route that didn’t have a sign. There was only myself and one other rider in view – a most unusual situation on the ride. We discussed it for a moment and made a call, following he road we were on through a 90-degree right. We rode together for a few mins until we got the reassurance of another sign. Another feed station was passed – I was not using as much water as planned and still had plenty of food left.

    Leaving Preston we then did a little “hump” north in the route to take the distance up to 60 miles, neatly avoiding too much of the main road from Preston to Blackpool. This was really a rather pleasant little detour. It took us past the cheering point where my parents were waiting to cheer me on.

    From here I took a couple of stops to try to make sure Susanne knew how far ahead I was.

    This little loop took us through Kirkham. At one point I looked up at the road ahead, and literally mean looking up! I tried to drop down to the small ring at the front to handle what I saw only to realise I was already on the smaller ring. Needless to say my speed dropped a little! I passed a girl on the way up – I was surprised that anyone was going slower than I was! The marshals at this junction were telling us the traffic situation on the road so we didn’t have to stop is if was clear. I took the first opportunity to stop after that to get my breath back. I also had the one and only gel of the ride at that point to get something back quickly. The girl I passed also stopped and we exchanged a few words along the lines of “that wouldn’t have been too bad 30 miles ago” and then went on our way. Later checks suggest some bits were 16%.

    Around here I started to notice just how many discarded gel pouches my fellow cyclists were littering the road with.

    From Kirkham we dropped down towards Freckleton and Warton where the ride levelled out, no more climbs or descents. I have often grumbled that there’s nothing level near home. We are always going up or down. The flat I found to be a different challenge. There was no place to hide. Stop pedalling and you’ll stop moving.

    Again I passed the refreshment stop – I was doing OK, even if feeling it in my thighs a little, and just wanted to get to the finish where Susanne and the boys were hopefully waiting for me.

    Remember I mentioned the distance markers? I was thinking the 5 miles mark must be here soon. I spotted a marker - 8 miles to go!

    Around here we started with the headwind near the coast, and the route took us along Lytham prom, where we were alongside a run – a half marathon I think, which meant two confusing distance markers. I spotted one that was clearly ours – 4 miles to go - and tried to phone Susanne to check where she was and let her know when to expect me. Instead I had to send a text.

    After the prom a little kink put us back on the main road for the final stretch.

    I carried on and was struggling a little with the headwind, and looking up to see if I could see the glitterball yet. As I approached the airport I saw a light aircraft taking off. I also noticed someone drafting me. I didn’t mind too much as I had taken a little (and given a little) along the way. It took a few moments before I realised that my text stop had let hill girl catch up, and it was her. The head wind was causing me more of a problem and I was slowing down a little. That led to hill girl discovering one of the indicators of the benefit of a draft. I had slowed down a little, and she decided to come past, only to find she couldn’t manage even the lower speed out of the shelter and I ended up passing her again.

    Then I saw the glitter ball, and the finish line, As I got to the line I saw Susanne and the boys there on the left a wave and I was across the line, just as I heard the announcer tell everyone my name. A few minutes for hellos and a picture or two and we headed off for lunch. The bike went into the back of the car, I put more conventional clothing on and fish chips and mushy peas went down very well. A lovely day in Blackpool meant time for the boys to play on the beach. The intention had been they got to play to kill time before I arrived, but I was a little quick on the ride up.

    I was rather pleased with the treatment by car drivers along the way – I could understand how it could have been frustrating for drivers going the same way but I don’t recall any real issues with them along the way.

    I was a little disappointed with some of my fellow riders. The attitude to red lights, the riding four abreast and the clubs insisting on coming past en masse, and the littering!

    I liked the route. Trying to have a route that heads up out of Manchester through Leigh, through part of Bolton, past Chorley, past Preston and onto Blackpool that is easy to navigate and enjoyable to ride, without spending too much time on busy main roads is a challenge they met rather well.

    I liked the support long the route – wehether it be people watching for a friend or relative, or just watching the bike pass on a nice day.

    It was well signed – I think even my dad could have followed the route!

    No punctures, no mechanical issues, no need for extended stops along the way to recover and I am happy with the ride up. I expected around 13 mph, but averaged 15 mph on the bike computer on arrival (14.9 mph online afterwards).

    I did a recorded 61.6 miles (probably 62 – remember the delayed start of the computer) in a total of 4 hrs 26 mins, a moving time of 4:08 and a moving average of 14.9 mph. I got a couple of PBs on some stretches I ride occasionally. According to Garmin I also knocked 11 mins off my previous personal best for 40 KM (25 miles or so)

    I might even be tempted to do it again next year!

    Excellent report on the MtoB bike ride and it has sure inspired me.
    I'm in the process of looking for a bike after far to many years out of the saddle and getting back into shape. I want to get fitter but I also want a challenge and this could be it for 2017.
    Again, great report and thanks for sharing.
  • Thanks - that was my aim for the MtoB - a bit of a challenge/target but also realistic.

    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • So did you do another MtoB, or have you now set your goals/challenges higher?
  • Unfortunately life being life I don't get the time to ride that I once did. I have an idea that a century would be cool, but can't see me making the time to get ready for one until the boys are old enough to be left for a few hours.
    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)
  • cattytown wrote:
    Unfortunately life being life I don't get the time to ride that I once did. I have an idea that a century would be cool, but can't see me making the time to get ready for one until the boys are old enough to be left for a few hours.
    I know the feeling. I'm trying to make a comeback after many years out the saddle. I have spare time now that the little 'in is in nursery so gaggin to get around Rivvy :)
  • Great write-up, OP, enjoyed the read and congrats on the ride and speed :)