Compact bars with reasonable reach.

gozzy Posts: 640
edited July 2013 in Road buying advice
After too long using some awful stock Giant ergo bars, I got a pair of planetx strada compact bars the other day, first ride result is that while I get on with them in the main, the significantly shortened bar reach is too tight. The giant bars have about 110mm so I can comfortably fit all 4 fingers on the sides behind the drop. The planet x has 70 mm so I can fit about 2 fingers and a crushed little finger there. I may adapt to them, but I need another pair for an impending build anyway.
Looking around it seems most compact bars give 70-80mm reach and I suspect, due to the shape limitations of compacts, not many are going to give me any more than that.

It's possible 80mm might be ok, with that in mind I'm off down a couple of bike shops later on in the hope that they'll have some I can test before buying. I'll also test some other bends at the same time.

Does anyone know of any alloy compact bars that do offer a bit more space on the side?


  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    Do you think if I change the title to "Which £1000 bike?" or "Which wheels?", I'll get any response?
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    I wanted a compact drop without having the reach shortened too much (Ergonovas would have been to short in reach for me for example).

    In the end I got Zipp Contour SL, 87.5mm reach 130 drop (ergonova has 77mm reach and 123mm drop).

    Great bars, not cheap... but like you said you thought most fall in the 70-80mm reach bracket and Zipp Contour SL's are a bit longer.

    EDIT: You seem to be saying about fingers fitting in behind the drop though, that's not to do with Reach, that's to do with the shape and the drop. Reach is to do with how far the hoods will be away from you, how much the bar extends forward of where it is clamped to the stem. ...unless you're talking about your fingers on the tops in the section that is between the top and the hoods?? In which case, Reach is relevant... you're wording confused me a bit!
  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    I'm talking about how long the side bits, that run parallel to the bike are.
    The way I'm thinking is if reach is longer ie, clamp-hoods distance, then the sides should also be longer. Therefore there's a bit more finger room between the back curve and where the drops, drop away, if you see what I mean.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Yeah, Contour SL's might help you then compared to a lot of other Compact bars.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    If you go onto the makers websites, they provide the key dimensions for the bars e.g. FSA, Ritchey, 3T, Deda, Easton etc. Reach is typically the horizontal dimension from the tops to the front - centre-to-centre. Drop is the vertical distance from the top to the drop-section - again centre-to-centre. The dimension you are looking for is the length of the lower portion of the bar i.e below the levers ? FSA Compact bars have a reasonable length lower section that extends well back from the drops.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    Cheers for that both.
    I'd had a look on one or two manufacturers sites and failed to find measurements beyond width. Hence my posting about it. I'll have another dig around.
    Anyway, in case I'm not explaining myself well regards which bit I'm on about. It's definitely reach lengths I'm looking for. Not the drops, nothing below the levers and nothing that runs perpendicular to the frame.
    It's how much space there is on the top, between the two bends, on the section that runs parallel to the bike and directly behind the levers.
    Topsides I'd call them, but then I'd be worried someone would ask if I wouldn't be better off going to the butchers.
  • yaya
    yaya Posts: 411
    FWIW I changed from Easton EA70 compact to 3T Ergonova and the reach is great (for me) and I have enough space behind the hoods to move forth-back without cramped fingers
  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    That's good, it's cramped fingers I want to avoid. Just had a look on 3T, looks like ergosum have a little more reach than the ergonovas. Cheers!