Jakob Fuglsang

No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
edited July 2013 in Pro race
Anyone else been impressed with him so far this tour?

He's attracted virtually no comment here, despite floating around with a very respectable top 10 position (currently 7th), instigating a couple of smaller attacks and doing this all with the backup of a team that seems intent on nailing the lanterne rouge (seen ANY other Astana riders in the yellow jersey group when they hit a climb?)

Yes, I know he's ridden for Riis, and yes I know he rides for Astana, but all the same... He's doing it all by himself and he's doing pretty well, yet he's completely off the radar.
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  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    My twitter sister has fallen head over heels back in love with him - most of my comments have been directed that way...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,242
    Anyone else been impressed with him so far this tour?

    He's attracted virtually no comment here, despite floating around with a very respectable top 10 position (currently 7th), instigating a couple of smaller attacks and doing this all with the backup of a team that seems intent on nailing the lanterne rouge (seen ANY other Astana riders in the yellow jersey group when they hit a climb?)

    Yes, I know he's ridden for Riis, and yes I know he rides for Astana, but all the same... He's doing it all by himself and he's doing pretty well, yet he's completely off the radar.
    Yes, very impressed. He's been climbing well but the most impressive feat for me was him managing to make the Saxo split on stage 13 despite having only one other Astana (Gavazzi I think) with him in the bigger Froome group. Before then he was outside the top 10 and I suspect his jump up the GC went largely unnoticed due to the excitement of that stage.
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    I've been impressed, from a few stages ago, and certainly to make the front group on the echelon stage and he was there again yesterday with the main contenders. I made the point on velonation's facebook page, but no one agreed (or disagreed for that matter).
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Yep. When you consider he was back up to Janez at the start.
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    I've been impressed, he's ridden strongly, and very smartly at times. I thought those predicting a high overall finish were daft, but he's on course to prove me wrong. Still wouldn't be surprised to see him have a really bad day though.

    It's also hard to gauge whether guys like him and Mollema have really made huge strides, or whether the established names like Contador and Rodriguez are just really, really bad.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    Yep. When you consider he was back up to Janez at the start.

    That wasn't the opinion here in Denmark, he was reckoned to be the designated team leader.
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  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    I've been impressed, he's ridden strongly, and very smartly at times. I thought those predicting a high overall finish were daft, but he's on course to prove me wrong. Still wouldn't be surprised to see him have a really bad day though.

    It's also hard to gauge whether guys like him and Mollema have really made huge strides, or whether the established names like Contador and Rodriguez are just really, really bad.

    I've always thought Ten Dam would be decent if he wasnt playing such a supporting role, now he is proving very good albeit in a supporting role to Mollema who is up there. Peraud is also there (he's 36)....Had a quick scan on wiki and they've both showed well before. I think Contador is going backwards. Not sure about Rodriguez though, maybe going for the Vuelta?
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Yep. When you consider he was back up to Janez at the start.

    That wasn't the opinion here in Denmark, he was reckoned to be the designated team leader.
    Even better ride if he was saddled with the pressure of team leadership :wink:
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    I've been impressed, he's ridden strongly, and very smartly at times. I thought those predicting a high overall finish were daft, but he's on course to prove me wrong. Still wouldn't be surprised to see him have a really bad day though.

    It's also hard to gauge whether guys like him and Mollema have really made huge strides, or whether the established names like Contador and Rodriguez are just really, really bad.

    I'm certainly tending toward the view that some big names in the peloton have an artificially inflated status. Contador and Valverde spring immediately to mind. It's not only that they're performing closer to their natural parameters, it's that their status has held back riders that might be naturally stronger to service them.

    We could have seen a real race if Quintana had been leader at Movistar, for instance, and who knows what Kreuziger could do if he wasn't towing Bertie up the hills? I think it's probably lead to an "averaging out" in the top ten, which has allowed Mollema, Ten Dam and Fuglsang to do well.

    If you throw in some of the other biggish teams:
    Radioshack: It's Andy, don't think anyone expected much
    BMC: Can't decide which leader is worst
    Garmin: Kaos-mongers, probably never really looking at the GC too hard
    Katusha: I've never been convinced by Purito, that may just be me. A stage hunter with an outside chance of a podium in a really good tour.
    OPQS: not in it for the GC
    French teams: They're French
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  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    J-Rob can only "win" GC's when there are chunky Time bonuses on offer. EH has never been able to make an attack stick for longer than the last 200m, and all power to him! Let's just not confuse him with a Froome or a Bertie
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Bo Duke
    Bo Duke Posts: 1,058
    I wonder how Uran Uran would have faired as team leader say at RadioShack. Strong rider, would have been interesting.
    'Performance analysis and Froome not being clean was a media driven story. I haven’t heard one guy in the peloton say a negative thing about Froome, and I haven’t heard a single person in the peloton suggest Froome isn’t clean.' TSP
  • josame
    josame Posts: 1,162
    Good work by JF

    Little mention also that Vino is a DS
    'Do not compare your bike to others, for always there will be greater and lesser bikes'
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    He also has lovely hair. And a lovely name.

    EDIT - Sorry I'm on a rest day so don't be expecting any insightful analysis from me.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    He's been impressive for the last few months. The back to back stages in the Dauphine where he was right up there at the pointy end, and not just following, were very impressive too.

    I like him.
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    Jakob has been really really clever since the stage to Ax-3 where he overestimated himself and came up short. DId fantastic when Saxo split the peloton as he had next to nothing support from his team. Yesterday he dropped himself before going into red and eventually benefitted from that coming in together with no less but Alberto.

    He used to be decent on the time trials but he has lost a fair bit on that. Did a dreadful time trial on stage 11. He has improved his climbing but lost some power on the flat as a result. I reckon the upcoming TT will suit him better.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    ThomThom wrote:
    Jakob has been really really clever since the stage to Ax-3 where he overestimated himself and came up short. DId fantastic when Saxo split the peloton as he had next to nothing support from his team. Yesterday he dropped himself before going into red and eventually benefitted from that coming in together with no less but Alberto.

    He used to be decent on the time trials but he has lost a fair bit on that. Did a dreadful time trial on stage 11. He has improved his climbing but lost some power on the flat as a result. I reckon the upcoming TT will suit him better.

    Yes, he's been racing smart and the next TT should be good for him. Wish he'd get to a team that didn't give me gut problems though.
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  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    I'm not completely overwhelmed by that move either. But it's no worse than his former team. And I'm not talking Saxo.
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,036
    JF is doing a fine job.

    In fairness to Astana they have given him this opportunity to lead in the Tour and he's making the best of it, after the nonsense with Bruyneel at RadioShack last year. He lost Brajkovic, Kessiakoff and Kashechkin, in the first week. Those guys would have been the main supports in the high mountains.

    Incidentally, I understand that JF, Martinelli and Vino were not happy about Kash's early abandon, and Vino is reviewing his contract. He should MTFU and be more like Tony Martin, apparently.

    BTW Vino is not the DS, Fofonov and Sedoun are doing the job.

    Hope we get to see more of Gasparotto and young Lutsenko this week, and Jakob F at least stays in the top 10 on GC.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    ThomThom wrote:
    I'm not completely overwhelmed by that move either. But it's no worse than his former team. And I'm not talking Saxo.

    Team Designa Køkken? :wink:
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  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    He has done very well. I have to say I thought he was the designated Team Leader before the race started to be honest, that's how it appeared.

    And BMC...just crap. TvG has been awful beyond recognition, I thought he was going to have a good tour.
  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    ThomThom wrote:
    I'm not completely overwhelmed by that move either. But it's no worse than his former team. And I'm not talking Saxo.

    Team Designa Køkken? :wink:

    Kim and Johan.. ;)
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,036
    Joelsim wrote:
    He has done very well. I have to say I thought he was the designated Team Leader before the race started to be honest, that's how it appearedu

    He was designated team leader last November!
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/fuglsan ... -de-france
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Joelsim wrote:
    He has done very well. I have to say I thought he was the designated Team Leader before the race started to be honest, that's how it appearedu

    He was designated team leader last November!
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/fuglsan ... -de-france

    Good, I'm not losing my marbles just yet then.
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    He also has lovely hair. And a lovely name.

    EDIT - Sorry I'm on a rest day so don't be expecting any insightful analysis from me.

    Check out his plucked/waxed eyebrows. There's metrosexual and then there's too metrosexual...

    Lovely bone structure, though.

    One day I hope to give an insightful comment on the racing. Until then, though...
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Being overshadowed by the Dutchies.
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Coriander wrote:
    He also has lovely hair. And a lovely name.

    EDIT - Sorry I'm on a rest day so don't be expecting any insightful analysis from me.

    Check out his plucked/waxed eyebrows. There's metrosexual and then there's too metrosexual...

    Lovely bone structure, though.

    One day I hope to give an insightful comment on the racing. Until then, though...

    He has the eyes of a sad cow. A little too groomed overall for my tastes. Eyebrow plucking goes too far.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    I'm no expert in these things, but aren't Fuglsang and Porte cut from very similar cloth?

    Or is it just the medallion wearing?
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  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    I'm no expert in these things, but aren't Fuglsang and Porte cut from very similar cloth?

    Or is it just the medallion wearing?

    Are you talking in cycling terms or looks terms? Because if it is in looks terms I would say you are not an expert or I need a new prescription in my glasses. :D

    But people see different things in a face, I suppose it's like a Rorschach test.

    EDIT - OK I went and checked. They have similar eyes, but that is where the similarity ends. Matt Rendell will chastise us again focusing on appearance!
    Correlation is not causation.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,549
    I'm no expert in these things, but aren't Fuglsang and Porte cut from very similar cloth?

    Or is it just the medallion wearing?

    Are you talking in cycling terms or looks terms? Because if it is in looks terms I would say you are not an expert or I need a new prescription in my glasses. :D

    But people see different things in a face, I suppose it's like a Rorschach test.

    EDIT - OK I went and checked. They have similar eyes, but that is where the similarity ends. Matt Rendell will chastise us again focusing on appearance!

    I think it was watching them in the mountains, shirts open, medallions dangling.
    I'll bow to your superior expertise though, and leave you at Mr Rendell's mercy.
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  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    I'm no expert in these things, but aren't Fuglsang and Porte cut from very similar cloth?

    Or is it just the medallion wearing?

    Are you talking in cycling terms or looks terms? Because if it is in looks terms I would say you are not an expert or I need a new prescription in my glasses. :D

    But people see different things in a face, I suppose it's like a Rorschach test.

    EDIT - OK I went and checked. They have similar eyes, but that is where the similarity ends. Matt Rendell will chastise us again focusing on appearance!

    I think it was watching them in the mountains, shirts open, medallions dangling.
    I'll bow to your superior expertise though, and leave you at Mr Rendell's mercy.

    We should really bow to the superior knowledge of RR in this, she is the Porte expert after all.
    Correlation is not causation.