POLOCINI - Pie and Cake update.

polocini Posts: 201
I'll keep this in one thread rather than spamming up the forum. Now we have a HQ we've changed the way we are running our events and have shaved £10 off the entry fee at the same time.

The events are now £15 (£12.50 for Polocini Test Team riders) and you still get fed and watered before, during and after the event. We are especially proud that at one event we have a feed station at a cake and pie shop!

The next two events are open for entries and we plan a ride on the first Sunday of every month.

Sunday 4th August - The Macchiato
Sunday 1st Sept - The Peak Pie Pedal

We also have the POLOCINI World Championships on 29th Sept. Although you'll have to call in to the shop to find out about that!

Full info is on our website www.polocini.com



  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    I'll definitely be riding both events myself - i'm starting to like the hills as much as the cake now. Ok so maybe i'm lying a little bit - and dont like hills but like cake and feel less guilty after riding up all of Al's hills that he tries so hard to find.

    Great events and a really friendly crowd - more so than most sportives because of the number of Test Teamers (inc me) so pick a group, say hi, and tag along.
  • polocini
    polocini Posts: 201
    We will be running our original Winter Sprinter for the last time on Sunday 27th October. It's a great route but we've used it four times so its time for a change.

    Entry info is here: http://polocini.com/cyclosportives/wintersprinter/
