
desweller Posts: 5,175
edited August 2013 in Tour & expedition
So, I'm planning a tour in a tropical country in November. The temperature will probably be close to 30degC all the time, so adequate hydration is going to be very difficult to manage! At the moment I'm expecting to cart a lot of water round with me in big soft drink bottles, but is there a better way to do it?
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  • Portable water filters if there are streams to draw from
  • yer gran
    yer gran Posts: 186
    Katadyn filter works for me. Still carry 4-6 litres per day at start. If you will be close to villages a filter is still a good idea as you have no way of knowing the water quality. Common in some places that bottled water is actually just tap water in recycled bottles. If the seal and the cap come off together, filter it! Filters are initially expensive but trips are so much more enjoyable without days spent bedridden in agony.
  • mea00csf
    mea00csf Posts: 558
    Definetly get a filter, saves carting around water from the trustable supply.
    I'll admit i haven't done anything on the scale of what you're planning so have never carried more than a normal drinks bottle and this:


    which i picked up for £50 on amazon, but feel so much more secure that i can use virtually any water source I find
  • dandrew
    dandrew Posts: 175
    & don't forget the Nunn tablets if you're drinking a lot
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Yes, I will be taking a few Nuun but I won't be able to bring enough for the whole trip - might have to do the old ghetto electrolyte (which tastes revolting but does work).

    I've used one of the MSR water filters before; I remember it being very hard work, but that might have been because I was filling a dirty great container for 4 people. Should be a lot less work for 1 person, but I am also thinking of getting one of those box wine bladders (new, of course) to store the filtered water in; depends on how big a bottle I can get on my frame...
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