Strava losing connection

skinnydog1973 Posts: 114
edited July 2013 in Road beginners
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help, i am going to do my first 100 mile ride on friday but the route that i am taking takes me up into the moors at hartstone pass in cumbria, i was driving up there last week and my phone had no internet connection,if i rode there then back to consett will strava still count my 100 miles or will it miss out the bits when my phone was not connected cheers for any help


  • Lifeboy123
    Lifeboy123 Posts: 213
    I lost connection doing the cyclone, you may also find on a long ride your battery life dies if you have an iPhone
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Strava records your position using GPS and saves it onto your phone, it only needs an internet connection to upload to the site which you can do after you've finished and saved the ride (unless they've changed how the app works lately).
  • Schoie81
    Schoie81 Posts: 749
    Strava records your position using GPS and saves it onto your phone, it only needs an internet connection to upload to the site which you can do after you've finished and saved the ride (unless they've changed how the app works lately).

    I'm pretty sure it still works in that way. I have had a couple of rides lost by Strava after it failed to connect to the internet when I finished the ride and it just deleted all the ride info - bit annoying.

    Given the point about the iPhone battery maybe not lasting the trip (had a mate who did a 155mile ride and Strava lasted 110mile on his phone before the battery went) - if the battery does die mid-ride - will the ride up to that point be saved still and uploaded when you charge your phone, or will it all be lost when the battery dies? Don't some phones automatically turn off GPS, 3G, close down apps etc... when your bettery gets to 20% or so to make the battery last longer?
    "I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated"
  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 2,009
    I went cycling on holiday earlier this year and turned data off, recorded the ride on strava and then uploaded it when I got somewhere with wifi - no problems, it may even increase your battery life a bit.

    I've had rides cut off on my phone when the battery went too - they were there when I went back into strava when I got home & uploaded fine.
  • triban
    triban Posts: 149
    you can put your phone into airplane mode - this makes a massive difference to battery life (i once left an android phone switched on, but not used, in airplane mode for over a month and the battery only went down to 70%).

    GPS still works in airplane mode - most of your phones battery power is used by the phone constanlty checking for a carrier signal.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Strava on the iphone wont work in airplane mode. It might on other phones I guess ?