First 10TT

Graeme Jones
Graeme Jones Posts: 361
edited July 2013 in Amateur race
On our club runs we often complete a 10 mile loop that is a strava 10 mile TT.
I thought I'd have a go as my first time I was in a group of 3 and did 29.5mins but stopped for about 5 secs after lap 2 of the 3 laps due to some riders stopping so we did to see if they were ok and still managed a sub 30 min.

With this mind I had a go on my own completing in 28.50 with average HR of 183bpm! So plenty of effort!

I'm wanting to get 27mins in the next 4-8 weeks and may start some turbo sessions to improve.

What type of sessions will improve my performance FUnctionalThreshold/ intervals etc?


  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    2 x 20's are good at improving FTP, but also 5 x 5's are good at working on your VO2MAX
  • Graeme Jones
    Graeme Jones Posts: 361
    I shall look in to them the turbo training website gives good routines just need to learn what I will benefit most from