Help knee pain frustrating !!!!

Whufcrule Posts: 131
edited June 2013 in Road beginners
Hi lads I've been cycling now since Xmas and couple months ago after every ride I had pain in my left knee after about 12 miles I tried moving the seat up and down forward back and the cleats I tried it all to no avail then all off a sudden it went which I was over the moon about then came my new problem I get the same pain but now in right knee what is going on lads?? And now I can't shift it again is it just my body getting used to road cycling?? Any help lads I'd really appreciate getting to point off nearly giving up


  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    Get yourself a proper bike fit from a professional. It's easy to go around in circles making adjustments without ever getting it right unless you know what you're doing.
  • ianspeare
    ianspeare Posts: 110
    Could be a bit of inflammation like I get from time to time. Bit of ice on the knee & a soak in the bath usually works
  • What pedals are you using? and do they have float?

    If not, then try Speedplay Zeros, as more often than not its pedals and cleat set-up that starts knee problems off.

    Also, when making changes to the bike setup, dont change ten things all at once, otherwise you wont know if you have made one thing better or one thing worse. So start with seat height, go out for a ride, see what you think, get that right, then seat fwd/bckwrds, go out for a ride, see what you think etc. If you change them all at once you will never know and you may end up bypassing a fit somewhere that did work.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Could be simply down to over doing it - try some rest and then easier rides, spinning small gears. A lot of beginner knee problems are simply down to folks pushing too high gears when their muscles, ligaments etc haven't strengthened enough due to the process of adaptation.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    Yep, could be just overdoing things or pushing too big a gear. Could also be your saddle position, do a quick google for road bike position, then make small adjustments from there, or just get a
    Bike fit.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Where in your knee is the pain? It could be an alignment issue. I used to get terrible pain at the outside of my left knee, a 1mm wedge between cleat and shoe solved the issue.

    Have a look at my posts in this thread, it's about back pain, but my back pain was linked to my knee pain and fixing the knee with wedges sorted both.
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    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • fsman
    fsman Posts: 112
    I'm too suffering from knee pain and currently going to a physio.
    In my case, I haddn't been doing stretching correctly, so my quads were shortened and so pulling the knee cap to the side causing me pain.
    So my advice see a physio and ensure you are stretching correctly.
  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    fsman wrote:
    So my advice see a physio and ensure you are stretching correctly.

    Wouldn't it make more sense to ensure that the bike it set up correctly before seeking medical advice?
  • fsman
    fsman Posts: 112
    lc1981 wrote:
    fsman wrote:
    So my advice see a physio and ensure you are stretching correctly.

    Wouldn't it make more sense to ensure that the bike it set up correctly before seeking medical advice?

    if he has pain, then it does need to be sorted.
    bike fit needed if that is route cause of the issue.

    in my case it was lack of stretching
  • Good advice above but this is also helpful for tweaking postion yourself if like me you can't afford a fit -

    See a physio though if it doesn't settle