London 2 Brighton - Tacks on road - Smallfield Village Gatwi

antsmithmk Posts: 717
edited July 2013 in Road general
What a shame that 1 (or more?) individual saw it fit to endanger those taking part in a charity cycling event by throwing tacks over the road today.

Along with about 20 other riders I suffered a puncture. No big deal and I'm sure most of the residents in the village support the BHF and L2B


  • A KIRK
    A KIRK Posts: 64
    What time was that, as I didn't see anything or maybe I was just lucky. We did leave at 6am though so were quite early
    2010 GT Series 4 ultegra wheels & brakes
    2008 Claud Butler hard tail not very original any more
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    Not sure on exact time, between 7.30-8.30 at a guess. I left London at 6.11am and took 4 hours and 26 mins to arrive in Brighton, including stops and the running repairs!
  • Simon-R7
    Simon-R7 Posts: 59
    I must have been one of the lucky ones, I managed a clean trouble free ride. An enjoyable day apart from the rain from Ditchling into Brighton.
  • southdownswolf
    southdownswolf Posts: 1,525
    We also started at about 6.10am and there seemed to be a lot of punctures in the first 4 or 5 miles. Luckily, we had a maintenance free ride and made it down to Brighton at about 9.40 including a 20 minute bacon bap stop.
  • cerv50
    cerv50 Posts: 272
    Tacks!!!, why are people such idiots!

    Shame you got a puncture and glad it didn't ruin your day. It was a good journey especially after passing loads of people who you would have thought had never ridden a bike before, DOH! :roll:
  • Dezza
    Dezza Posts: 155
    This was my first L2B. After a late start , queuing for junctions, gridlocked hills (people walking 3-4 abreast!) and seeing too many gut wrenching crashes. I don't think i'll be doing that again in a hurry.

    I was riding easy as part of a fund raising group so was part of the general melee. Some people's riding made your arse pucker.....seriously, you had to have eyes in the back of your head. I found it more stressful than riding in london during peak traffic.
  • A KIRK
    A KIRK Posts: 64
    Thats why you really need to do a 6-6.30am start to avoid most of the issues.

    There are a lot of riders with a lack of spatial awearness
    2010 GT Series 4 ultegra wheels & brakes
    2008 Claud Butler hard tail not very original any more
  • simonhead
    simonhead Posts: 1,399
    I was given a ticket by Jamie (on here) which i really appreciate. I did enjoy it but the event seemed over subscribed (saw people with numbers of 41k+ on there back). 9 am start, ended up crossing the startin g line at 9.35, 3 hours to get to Chipstead because of the traffic. Quite a few people thinking they were billy big bollox going down hills on rusty mountain bikes then coming off towards the bottom. 2 hours to do the last 6 miles because of traffic, couldnt ride up any hills for the sea of pushers.

    Had 1 guy ride in to the back of me trying to light a fag, another send 5 or 6 people flying as he wasnt used to clips (brand new Pinnarello bike and all the team sky kit).

    I did actually enjoy it but would only do it again if i got a very early start.

    What was brilliant though were the ammount of people cheering, some of the costumes and the really friendly marshalls and people at the stops.
    Life isnt like a box of chocolates, its like a bag of pic n mix.
  • Dezza
    Dezza Posts: 155
    Agree with the above two posts. I was given the ticket by a friend who dropped out so no choice of start time.

    The dudes on chopper bikes and the cycling storm trooper made me chuckle.
  • Dezza wrote:
    This was my first L2B. After a late start , queuing for junctions, gridlocked hills (people walking 3-4 abreast!) and seeing too many gut wrenching crashes. I don't think i'll be doing that again in a hurry.

    I was riding easy as part of a fund raising group so was part of the general melee. Some people's riding made your ars* pucker.....seriously, you had to have eyes in the back of your head. I found it more stressful than riding in london during peak traffic.

    I rode the L2B in 2009 and, after seeing the amount of people riding who shouldn't be allowed out on their own, I said I'd never do it again. The lack of riding skills in the majority of the people who enter it is mind-blowing. I nearly got taken out by some guy on a BSO who was playing with his ipod and, when I questioned his ability to ride in a straight line, he became verbally abusive.

    I also saw someone run into the back of an ambulance, which had stopped on a descent to deal with someone who was clearly riding beyond their ability.

    I agree it's for a worthy cause and does raise a lot of money, but at what cost?
  • simonhead
    simonhead Posts: 1,399
    The BHF said 28,500 people started, given the huge number of people i saw join the ride just outside Clapham and other places without numbers on i would think it was considerably higher.
    Life isnt like a box of chocolates, its like a bag of pic n mix.
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    Looks worth avoiding then. if i were to raise money for the BHF, i can think of safer ways to do it... i have a real issue with people with a lack of spatial awareness.
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    simonhead wrote:

    another send 5 or 6 people flying as he wasnt used to clips (brand new Pinnarello bike and all the team sky kit).

    That, I would paid money to see......!
  • simonhead
    simonhead Posts: 1,399
    simonhead wrote:

    another send 5 or 6 people flying as he wasnt used to clips (brand new Pinnarello bike and all the team sky kit).

    That, I would paid money to see......!

    Berni, it was a comedy moment, seemed to happen in slow motion, was close to the start and he just sort of fell sideways into a girl on a dutch bike (with a lovely behind) and a guy on a mountain bike, they took out the people next to them.
    Life isnt like a box of chocolates, its like a bag of pic n mix.
  • pashda
    pashda Posts: 99
    Its an awful event, I rode it about 10 years ago and vowed never again. Official entry is about 28,000 but I reckon there was closer to 40,000 on the road. Loads of people just join in a mile from the start with photocopied numbers or no number at all. Nothing to stop them of course it is a public road. But too many crashes because people used to riding solo for 10 miles are suddenly in a bunch of 50 riders all trying to get through the next set of lights. I had to walk up 2 of the hills because the road was full of others walking or standing for a chat. Then we finally got into Brighton and stood for an hour to walk through the finish area.
    I have a feeling the RideLondon 100 could be similar for the first 20 miles at least. Other sportives out there that are much better including most of the other BHF ones.
  • Revdarny
    Revdarny Posts: 17
    A KIRK wrote:
    Thats why you really need to do a 6-6.30am start to avoid most of the issues.

    There are a lot of riders with a lack of spatial awearness

    It seemed I was a magnet for new riders. Just have to remember it's a charity ride.

    As for the London 100, I can see other riders that didn't get a slot joining in on that one. Does anyone know what the maximum amount of riders is for this event?
    2008 Yeti ASR
    2011 Specialized Allez (No longer the Sport Spec)
  • A KIRK
    A KIRK Posts: 64
    I think its 20 000 riders
    2010 GT Series 4 ultegra wheels & brakes
    2008 Claud Butler hard tail not very original any more
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    Lots of full kit w##kers about yesterday too. Full Team Sky Kit, carbon bike, pushing it up every hill not just ditchling...
  • antsmithmk wrote:
    Lots of full kit w##kers about yesterday too. Full Team Sky Kit, carbon bike, pushing it up every hill not just ditchling...

    Just going out to the garage and scrapping off that ref to carbon on the bike, burning the Team Sky Kit in the garden and getting my heart used to hills, not sure about giving up the w#####g though! :lol: Look forward to seeing anyone on here doing the L2B Nightrider on 12th July
  • gr1
    gr1 Posts: 25
    I don't think the Ride 100 will be an issue. The roads will be closed therefore there will be waiting at red lights/junctions or avoiding other cars and I doubt there will be many casual riders joining the route.

    Most of the roads in use will be fairly wide as well especially as both sides of the road will be useable. The only bottleneck I can think of will be Box Hill. Although by that stage the riders will be very thinned out so it shouldn't be an issue.

    That's my wishful thinking anyway!
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    Just going out to the garage and scrapping off that ref to carbon on the bike, burning the Team Sky Kit in the garden and getting my heart used to hills, not sure about giving up the w#####g though! Look forward to seeing anyone on here doing the L2B Nightrider on 12th July

    That's me. See my L2B thread looking for tips.

    To be fair to antsmithsmk I think he's referring to the people who buy all the kit in the expectation that looking like a pro means they'll ride like a pro. I saw a great example of this last year on the Wiltshire Big Wheel - someone in lycra showing every curve of the enormous belly, riding a bike plastered with Di2 logos, struggling along while I overtook him on my £300 hybrid in my baggy shorts and homemade promo t-shirt. I hope he made some good money for whoever he supported.

    I tend to opt for smaller events where I can raise money for the charity of my choice, and not get tied to the main sponsor, hence choosing Moonriders.
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    Yes that's what I meant... The all the gear no idea types. They spend £5000 the week before the event on kit and it ends up gathering dust in the garage
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Lots of full kit w##kers about yesterday too. Full Team Sky Kit, carbon bike, pushing it up every hill not just ditchling...

    TBH you sound more like the judgmental w##ker yourself with that comment. :lol:
  • A KIRK
    A KIRK Posts: 64
    I am considering doing it on a tandem next year, just for a laugh, now will a team sky kit make me faster on a tandem or not lol.

    I think those on single speeds and fixies deserve credit, as fair play to them. I have no issue with those who want to walk either, just please move over to the left, and leave those of us who want to ride up the hills enough room to do so.

    I found ditchling hard enough without having to avoid the walkers and weavers. However I still had a laugh.

    If people want to spend silly money on top end bikes and not use them again, thats fine with me as long as they end up on the second hand market so someday I can afford a nicer bike. To be fair if they can afford and it makes them feel better and more comfortable, then good luck to them.
    2010 GT Series 4 ultegra wheels & brakes
    2008 Claud Butler hard tail not very original any more
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    TakeTurns wrote:
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Lots of full kit w##kers about yesterday too. Full Team Sky Kit, carbon bike, pushing it up every hill not just ditchling...

    TBH you sound more like the judgmental w##ker yourself with that comment. :lol:

    Maybe ;-)
  • foxydan
    foxydan Posts: 83
    I did this also yesterday. First time as well but got a 7.00am start. Getting out of London was still slow but can't imagine what it would have been like going any later. I managed to cycle the whole thing and NO walking up hills especially Ditchling. It did make me laugh though the walkers....and why can't they stick to the left?

    I saw two accidents - both from people pulling out from not looking. Nearly had one myself by some divvy deciding to stop on the right side of the road and just pulling out. luckily I managed call out loud enough in time with the shouts of WHOAAAA WHAT U DOIN? It made him change his mind.

    Would I do it again? In a word - no. It is an event I wanted to do and tick off which I have done but way too many riders and many who can't bloody ride a bike (which I have no problem with, as long as they have some sense). I do hope ride 100 is not as bad as this as I know I will given a later start time.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    8.30 start for me arrived 6.30pm. GPS said 5 hours active 5 hours standing around. Never ever again... Loads of delays getting out of london and then a two hour queue from the m25 through to Reigate almost had me giving up. Really rally poor traffic management and a very oversubscribed ride. Here's hoping the London ride 100 will be better....

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • My mates did it last year and got me involved this year. Got massively delayed and ended up starting at 9.30 and stuck in masses of cycle traffic. Walked most of the first two miles. Just as we started to get some riding going my mate got 3 punctures in quick succession leaving us well behind everyone and all the support vehicles. Just as we were getting back to a group my rear mech hanger snapped and went trough my spokes chucking me off. Lost even more time while we bodged my bike into a single speed, so much so that marshals were packing up and taking signs down so we missed a turn and took a 3 mile detour. We persevered and eventually started to catch up with people as we started going through the rest stops. The sun even decided to come out! Couldn't get myself up the hills so joined the walking masses but eventually got in to Brighton at 6.

    I was a crazy day. Glad I tried it and have a good sense of achievement but not sure I'd do it again, only if I got myself an early start and made sure of it. It was a learning experience.
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    So glad I've started at 6.00 the last 2 years. Its busy on the roads for the first 10 miles but the riders really thin out after that.
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    Any ideas what the fastest time was?
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track