A bit of a crash

unquestioned Posts: 172
edited June 2013 in Your pics and vids
Local trails (sorta, I work there, still an hour from my home) Pretty easy stuff, there are a couple of random bits like this though. Messing around last night & I went down this steep slope, not really a piece of the trail but looked fun, then my friend tried, results are below.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEZlPjtp ... e=youtu.be


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    he seems fine.

    looked fun besides falling half way.
  • unquestioned
    unquestioned Posts: 172
    It's steeper than it appears, he was fine, sprained his ankle, bent the rear mech hanger though so he had to walk it back to the car.

    This is how it looks from the top WP_20130610_007_zpse660044e.jpg
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    poor guy at least he was wearing a helmet.

    looks steeper then I thought in the video. not sure I would attempt it without some body armour thou.
    I like my ribs and arms and legs to generally remain un broken
  • unquestioned
    unquestioned Posts: 172
    poor guy at least he was wearing a helmet.

    looks steeper then I thought in the video. not sure I would attempt it without some body armour thou.
    I like my ribs and arms and legs to generally remain un broken

    Elbow & knee pads suffice, doing stuff like that adds a bit of fun to what can be a bit of a dull ride.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    poor guy at least he was wearing a helmet.

    looks steeper then I thought in the video. not sure I would attempt it without some body armour thou.
    I like my ribs and arms and legs to generally remain un broken

    Elbow & knee pads suffice, doing stuff like that adds a bit of fun to what can be a bit of a dull ride.

    i'd probably try it not on my current bike thou.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    speed is your friend :lol:

    glad he's ok though, could've been nasty