This year's Tour: ideal result/s

Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
edited June 2013 in Pro race
This is intended to be a light-hearted thread. No need for any swearing, pinching, punching, shouting or fighting, ok? :)

Ideal result in forthcoming Tour.

Winner. CONTADOR! or maybe even better, someone completely unexpected, but popular; for instance, Sammy Sanchez, Philippe Gilbert, Tommy Voeckler. (Not Froome, thanks)

Green Jersey. SAGAN! Or Greipel, or Hushovd with recovered form. (Not Cavendish, thanks)

KOM: If he didn't get the yellow, CONTADOR!

Just a jokey thread guys, no need to hit me. Ta.


  • dab_32
    dab_32 Posts: 94
    You don't like the Brits then eh?

    Winner: Exciting racing with a close GC right to the Queen stage (with hopefully Froome taking it which goes against the exciting racing request but hey, you can't have everything).
    If not Froome, a rider with out a doping conviction.

    Green: Cav but if not Sagan, again a close race would be good, not like last years romp by Sagan.

    KOM: Tommy V would be good, he's not really GC material is he?
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    Thibaut Pinot to win everything.

    Or Any other of the young Frenchies.

    Or Contador, obvs.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    GC - Froome in the final mountain stage a la Tourmalet from that last time...

    Green - Cav, by one point from Sagan, won on the Champs

    Mountains - pffft who cares, TV is a good shout actually

    White - One of the Columbians
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    GC: Froome, or a non-convicted doper with hopefully lots of Twatter outrage over evil Sky and poor Porte being tethered to Froome etc. as I find it all thoroughly entertaining.

    Green: Cav, with a win on the first stage, a stint in yellow and a win on the Champs Elysees.

    Spotty jersey/Jongens jersey: A Frenchman or a Colombian.

    Finally: No doping funny business insh'allah.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    dab_32 wrote:
    You don't like the Brits then eh?

    Hey, nothing against Brits, I just think there are riders out there with more panache. Fizz. Stuff like that.
    Winner: Exciting racing with a close GC right to the Queen stage (with hopefully Froome taking it which goes against the exciting racing request but hey, you can't have everything).
    If not Froome, a rider with out a doping conviction.

    Exciting racing, tick. Your last two words, meh. I miss Vino.
    Green: Cav but if not Sagan, again a close race would be good, not like last years romp by Sagan.

    Someone ELSE to win the final stage in Paris for once.
    KOM: Tommy V would be good, he's not really GC material is he?

    KOM. Bring back Bahamontes! (still alive) (what a star)
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,242
    GC: JC Peraud

    Green: I like ddraver's suggestion.

    Mountains: Ten Dam

    White: Warren Barguil

    I'd be pretty happy with that.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,563
    What I'd like:
    GC 1. Contador 2. Froome 3. Schleck all within 30 seconds
    Green 1. Cav 2. Sagan separated by a few points
    KoM 1. Schleck or anyone who is actually good at climbing

    What I expect:
    GC 1. Froome 2. Porte a long way ahead of the competition.
    Green 1. Sagan beating 2. Cav by a very long way.
    KoM The usual irrelevant competition
  • milton50
    milton50 Posts: 3,856
    I don't really mind who gets the GC as long as it isn't Contador. I'd be happy to see Contador get dropped on the big mountain stages and end up having to work for Rogers. I want to see Schleck make the GC competitive but that ain't going to happen sadly.

    I would like J-Rod to win the Alpe D'Huez stage or at least one of the big mountain top finishes.

    Lots of brilliant attacking on the medium mountain stages with French riders giving everything they have.
    Green - Cav, by one point from Sagan, won on the Champs

    That would be pretty awesome.
  • wombly_knees
    wombly_knees Posts: 657
    Stuey O'Grady for a stage win. Deserves a reward for racing from before bikes were invented.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Hey OP, what's wrong with British riders eh? :-P

    Froome - Yellow (But only just after an epic battle with Contador on stage 18
    Cavendish - Green
    Tommy V - Mountains
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Ideal results:

    1st Dan Martin
    2nd J Rod
    3rd Teejay or Quintana

    They are the ones I've had a little wager on anyway.

    1st Cav

    Because he is the best sprinter by a distance

    1st Voekler

    Because he always always puts in mega effort in the Tour
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    General: Ryder Hesjedal
    Points: André Greipel
    Mountains: Peter Sagan
    Young: Tejay van Garderen
  • Richie Porte to take the yellow after he gets bored of dragging Froome up the hills.
    Cav to take Green, but only on the final stage.
    Voekler to win KOM, to make it perfect he would even wear the yellow jersey for a few days.
  • exlaser
    exlaser Posts: 266
    dan martin, overall. not because hes irish, but because hes a brummie like me!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    Van Nicholas Ventus
    Rose Xeon RS
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    GC - Rodriguez out of those with a decent podium chance
    Green - Cav
    White - Berhane
    Mountains - Voeckler

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    Ideally for me all the results will be negative.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Pross wrote:
    Ideally for me all the results will be negative.

    I would have thought there's more chance of Ed Milliband winning a breakdancing competition
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    GC: Chavanel (but unlikely) so Van den Broeck (a little less unlikely)
    Green: don’t care, someone unexpected - Mezgec
    Polka: Contador or Porte
    White: Le Bon or Gallopin
    Combativité: Bardet
    Lanterne Rouge: Appollonio (was at the Giro, for the double) or Blythe (pipped by 13 secs at the Giro)
  • dolan_driver
    dolan_driver Posts: 831
    GC; Froome, Evans or Schleck. Any of these three would be a good Tour champion.

    A carnage-free first week would be a nice change too.

    After that, a top-ten GC finish, the Alpe D'Huez stage win and spotted jersey for Dan Martin.

    A Colombian stage win in the high mountains would also be a bonus.

    I'm not looking for much, really! :D

  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,242
    A Colombian stage win in the high mountains would also be a bonus.
    I'd like that too but which Colombians are likely to be riding? Quintana presumably, assuming his absence from all the warm-ups isn't due to injury, but then who?
  • dolan_driver
    dolan_driver Posts: 831
    Yea, it does look like all of Colombia's hopes will be riding on Quintano's shoulders. He should still have a good shot at a stage win though. I understand that he is still at home, fine-tuning his preparation at altitude, so hopefully he will hit the mountains with all guns blazing.

  • ellerslierd
    ellerslierd Posts: 266
    Thibaut Pinot to win everything.

    This please!
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Yellow Jersey: Geraint Thomas
    Green Jersey: Geraint Thomas
    Polka Dots: Geraint Thomas
    White Jersey: Luke Rowe

    Well, you did ask for 'ideal', not realistic
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Yellow: After three weeks of crazy attacking we get a Froome/Contador dead heat, so close that the race jury are forced to award to the race to the rider who looked at their power meter the least number of times.

    Green: After a ding dong battle with Sagan, Cavendish claims the winning points by winning on the Champs Elysees having wheelied all the way from the last corner.

    Polka Dots: After realising the GC is beyond him, a newly inspired Andy Schleck wins by getting into a series of mad breakaways, and bags a stage win or two along the way.

    White: After Valverde has an unfortunate reaction to a dodgy blood bag, Quintana is given free resign to rip everybody's legs off which he promptly does. Wins white after his dreams of yellow are dashed by losing time in echelons in an otherwise boring sprint stage
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976

    Anyone but Contador.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Cavendish claims the winning points by winning on the Champs Elysees having wheelied all the way from the last corner.

    The horror! :shock:
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Joelsim wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Ideally for me all the results will be negative.

    I would have thought there's more chance of Ed Milliband winning a breakdancing competition
    I would pay to see that, Cameron on the decs and Clegg on the mic...
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    Daz555 wrote:

    Anyone but Contador.


    On the last stage in Paris, ANYONE but Cavendish. He's done that for the last four years. Boring! Someone else to win that stage this year, please.

    A nail-biting ding-dong between two GC contenders with only seconds between them, would be great. (Yes I know that did happen once before: 1989 by Lemond by 8 seconds.)
  • liquor box
    liquor box Posts: 184
    I would like the following-
    GC- any Euskaltel
    KOM- any GreenEdge
    Green- Tommy V
    U23- Any french cyclist.

    I would love Euskaltel to win, and the beauty of this is their lack of quality TT riders ensures some great dominance in the mountains. I would also like them to get plenty of UCI points after going so poorly last year, cycling would not be the same without them.

    I would love GreenEdge to win KOM, this will help cycling in Australia hugely, we wont win the race, and the only chance Australia would have is if Froome withdraws in the first couple of days before Porte sacrifices himself.

    I would love Tommy V to win green, it will never happen, but it could only occur if he was in a break away every stage and got all intermediate points, and a couple of stages to boot.

    Lastly I would like a french junior to win the white jersey, this will give them eternal hope and keep the race strong
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    Yellow: After three weeks of crazy attacking we get a Froome/Contador dead heat, so close that the race jury are forced to award to the race to the rider who looked at their power meter the least number of times.

    Green: After a ding dong battle with Sagan, Cavendish claims the winning points by winning on the Champs Elysees having wheelied all the way from the last corner.

    Polka Dots: After realising the GC is beyond him, a newly inspired Andy Schleck wins by getting into a series of mad breakaways, and bags a stage win or two along the way.

    White: After Valverde has an unfortunate reaction to a dodgy blood bag, Quintana is given free resign to rip everybody's legs off which he promptly does. Wins white after his dreams of yellow are dashed by losing time in echelons in an otherwise boring sprint stage

    :lol: That made me chuckle.