gpx file on garmin 500 ...

Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
edited June 2013 in Road beginners
im sure this has been asked loads of times before but cant get a match from the database and the garmin forums seem to be down

i am doing my first audax tomorrow and i would like to put the file of the route on my 500 and use it as a navigational device. however i cant get it to work or figure out what i am doing wrong ...

as i understand it, i have to copy the gpx file to my pc then drag and drop it into newfiles on the 500. no probs there, and there it sits. properly ejected 500 from pc, turned it off then on, went to courses and the file should be there and converted to a fit file and the rest is easy peasy. except that it isnt...

my 500 will let me use my own routes as courses, i can take the gpx file and get it to work on other sites etc so neither file nor 500 seems to be at fault.. so is there summat i havent thought of or should i just give it up as a bad lot use a map? any help would be gratefully appreciated...


  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    I have forgotten exactly how as I have an 800 now but you have to convert the gpx to a crs file first, I think, it doesn't do routes just courses.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    antfly wrote:
    I have forgotten exactly how as I have an 800 now but you have to convert the gpx to a crs file first, I think, it doesn't do routes just courses.

    No conversion needed.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    It may be that the course has a different name to the file. The garmin will take the course name from the route or track within the gpx file not from the gpx file name.

    Do you have a link to the gpx file?
  • zardoz
    zardoz Posts: 251
    I find that frequently .gpx files do not load on my Garmin 500. I find converting to .tcx and then uploading via the newfiles folder generally works.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    Mikey23 wrote:

    Try this copy, the one from bikely is corrupt and does not import into basecamp correctly.
  • freezing77
    freezing77 Posts: 731
    I would recommend not to use bikely as it has been broken for some time and the gpx files from it do not follow the correct file schema for gpx files, hence the failure of them sometimes to load into offline mapping programs.
  • dab_32
    dab_32 Posts: 94
    AFAIK 500's take .TCX files not .GPX files. GPX files don't show as courses but when I download them as TCX they work fine.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    thanks guys, have tried the alternative source but still not working so will have to try a converter. anyone know of a good one that doesnt try to download a new toolbar and take over my machine?
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    ok, found a converter, run it through and changed to a tcx file and ... it worked. what a right old faff. so presumably when i start, all i have to to do is load the file and start the device as per usual...
  • Mikey41
    Mikey41 Posts: 690
    Yep, when you start, go into the menu, go to Training, Courses and select the course, then select Start Course. It'll process it for a few seconds and then it's away. Go back to the info screens, press start button and off you go.
    Giant Defy 2 (2012)
    Giant Defy Advanced 2 (2013)
    Giant Revel 1 Ltd (2013)
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    brill... thanks for all your help and advice guys... all ive got to do is ride the blooming thing now!
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Got round today.. Didn't need it as the problem solving element was quite important but nice to have
    It... Thanks again guys for your input