which bike part 2

dp77 Posts: 4
edited June 2013 in Commuting general

My budget seems of come down a bit, what would people recommend as a good strong rigid bike for £350-£450, thats gonna last, a 20 mile commute everyday?


  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    The Btwin/Deacthlon at this price, Fit/Forme 5 or Triban.
  • Ed.
    Ed. Posts: 14
    What sort of roads are you riding on? Is that 20 miles each way or 20 miles total?

    I'd definitely look at the second hand market for that price range you can get a lot for your money. Have a look at the Trek Soho range - a guy I work with commutes a 20 mile round trip on one and has done everyday for the last 2 years and it's been bomb proof!
  • Raleigh flyer bike cost £250 and that is their cheapest price.
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