Row blows up over The Etape du Sussex

SRS Events have been accused of copying another organiser's event, according to a thread on YACF. The aggrieved audax event coordinator is not happy.

If true, this is clearly poor form. However, nobody has intellectual property but SRS could have contacted the organiser as a matter of courtesy.

It also raises a question of safety, often audaxes use quieter and narrower lanes than sportives given the smaller number of participants. This raises a fundamental safety question about the the greater number of riders usually expected on a sportive and the typical constituency of the field which will include people intending to race the route.


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    Just read the thread - it also raises the question of who has cyclists interests at heart, as one of the posters said for the 30 entry fee he could have had breakfast, accomodation and entry to an audax. Very poor show from SRS
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • cubegame
    cubegame Posts: 7
    I read the thread too. I got the impression that some people have a tendency to be a little precious. It's certainly not beyond the bounds of possibility that someone with knowledge of the area and a map would draw that particular route on a map.

    I drew most of it for a 40 mile route out of Burgess Hill a couple of months ago, completely by coincidence.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    I haven't read yacf but from what's posted above what's the problem ? Unless the sportive is on the same weekend as the audax then even if they have copied the route so what. Does it in any way adversely affect the audax ?

    A club local to us used our evening time trial course for a road race a month or so ago - as far as we are concerned great - more events for local cyclists to ride if they choose. I can't see how this sportive using an audax route is any different.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • The Midland Monster is another case in point. Established by CC Giro, a local club, then repeated by a commercial operator who used the same title, 'The Midland Monster'.
  • Hi,

    can someone post the link for YACF?

    As a general comment for someone that rides sussex Audax's, SRS Sportives and other Commercial Sportives, there is a fair amount of route sharing and I've enjoyed riding all of them. You pays your money and takes your choice of different type of events. The SRS organiser has years of experience of making up routes so its possible a similar route has been found.
  • markhewitt1978
    markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
    It's all on public roads, so I wouldn't expect a sportive route to be something you could copyright!
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    It's all on public roads, so I wouldn't expect a sportive route to be something you could copyright!

    The fact or not of it being on public roads would be irrelevant to copyright law, they would be completely unrelated...

    Personally I think a sufficiently complicated route would be a creative work and could be covered by copyright.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,780
    whilst I agree that it's hard to 'own' a route on public roads especially where there is a popular climb in the right location nearish to a town with a cafe... I wonder if anyone has attempted a copyright of a course design, or to enforce ? only issue I could think of is the concept of 'prior use' as most roads will have had a sportive/audax along them at some point

    nicking someones audax name is out of order tho, that's poor

    the answer is to make sure that your average joe rider knows what an audax entails and what the extra cost of a sportive gets you - given that lots of people have a garmin nowadays I see less reason to bother with a sportive, you plug the route in and you get your result afterwards on your laptop while eating a banana
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Stealing the name is a bit poor, but accusing someone of stealing a route is ridiculous.

    The British cycling world often seems quite childish.
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    This is a good example of the gap (and interests) between the old (inclusive) and the new (commercial) order which is currently taking place within our sport.

    Arguably this is another example of the ‘Emperor’s cloths syndrome’ where if we are not careful, as with other sports, the commercial verses voluntary balance organisation within our sport could be irrevocably damaged.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Possibly but beyond a certain scale its hard to provide events on a purely volunteer basis - people are only willing to do so much work before they start thinking I want money to make this worthwhile.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • This is rather laughable but do you really think that the organisers of the ETAPE DU SUSSEX CYCLOSPORTIVE know anything about some audax route ?

    The Audax organiser should have contacted SRS Events if he/she wasn't happy instead of making out that SRS Events had copied their event which is absolutely not the case.

    To accuse SRS Events of copying a route is, well very suspicious, it might very well be a case of some audax riders having a chip on their shoulder, or just trying to jump on the band wagon of the success of SRS Events who have organised some really great cycling events for some considerable time now.
    Something isn't right about this whole thread on YACF for example to say that a row has broken out you would have thought that SRS Events organisers would have know about such row.......they didn't until now.

    If an Audax organiser wants to accuse SRS Events of copyright infringement, should SRS Events now be considering taking out a case against YACF or whom ever started this diatribe on the YACF FORUM for Defamtion and slander ?
    If SRS Events are watching this thread I recommend Irwin and Mitchell lawyers who are experts in this field.
    SRS Events have a real claim here for defamtion and slander unlike certain individuals on the YACF website who want to attack SRS Events with dubious accusations. We should all be careful what we say on-line to accuse a company or individuals without any real true knowledge is very silly at the least, or maybe in this case purposely harmful in nastiest of ways.

    Type in ETAPE DU SUSSEX into google and I think you will find that SRS Events are the people who run this event not some Audax group who are anti sportives.

    Hopefully the Audax organisers will apologies to SRS Events soon, who's email address is on their

    Cyclist should be getting on with each other not falling out over complete nonsense like this.

    There are many looking forward to SRS Events next event in August the Rumble Cyclosportive and the popular Brighton to Brighton cyclosportive in September which is raising funds for the Sussex Heart Charity hopefully there won't be any other people from the Audax world having a go at an organisations such as SRS Events who at the end of the day are doing their best to promote cycling, something that this YACF website isn't doing very well by allowing such drivel to be written in their forums .......... honestly it's saddening.

    Apologise now YACF or who ever started this attack on SRS Events.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    How much of the entry fee actually goes to the 'Sussex Heart Charity'?


    The audax community have done more than anyone outside of the 'club system' to encourage others to enjoy cycling - I note that if one wants a refund from SRS there is a 3£ admin fee - some audaxes have an entry fee not far off that. :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    This is rather laughable but do you really think that the organisers of the ETAPE DU SUSSEX CYCLOSPORTIVE know anything about some audax route ?

    The Audax organiser should have contacted SRS Events if he/she wasn't happy instead of making out that SRS Events had copied their event which is absolutely not the case.

    To accuse SRS Events of copying a route is, well very suspicious, it might very well be a case of some audax riders having a chip on their shoulder, or just trying to jump on the band wagon of the success of SRS Events who have organised some really great cycling events for some considerable time now.
    Something isn't right about this whole thread on YACF for example to say that a row has broken out you would have thought that SRS Events organisers would have know about such row.......they didn't until now.

    If an Audax organiser wants to accuse SRS Events of copyright infringement, should SRS Events now be considering taking out a case against YACF or whom ever started this diatribe on the YACF FORUM for Defamtion and slander ?
    If SRS Events are watching this thread I recommend Irwin and Mitchell lawyers who are experts in this field.
    SRS Events have a real claim here for defamtion and slander unlike certain individuals on the YACF website who want to attack SRS Events with dubious accusations. We should all be careful what we say on-line to accuse a company or individuals without any real true knowledge is very silly at the least, or maybe in this case purposely harmful in nastiest of ways.

    Type in ETAPE DU SUSSEX into google and I think you will find that SRS Events are the people who run this event not some Audax group who are anti sportives.

    Hopefully the Audax organisers will apologies to SRS Events soon, who's email address is on their

    Cyclist should be getting on with each other not falling out over complete nonsense like this.

    There are many looking forward to SRS Events next event in August the Rumble Cyclosportive and the popular Brighton to Brighton cyclosportive in September which is raising funds for the Sussex Heart Charity hopefully there won't be any other people from the Audax world having a go at an organisations such as SRS Events who at the end of the day are doing their best to promote cycling, something that this YACF website isn't doing very well by allowing such drivel to be written in their forums .......... honestly it's saddening.

    Apologise now YACF or who ever started this attack on SRS Events.

    What a load of tosh. SRS Events is a commercial organisation that you are obviously closely related to. Writing a diatribe like this in the third person is disingenuous at best. And you really think a volountarily run national organisation like Audax is try to 'jump on the back' of a company like SRS Events then you know very little about the world of Audax that has been going alot longer and will go on a lot longer than a commercial sportive organiser. To say SRS is promoting cycling whilst trying to flame Audax is absolutely ridiculous.
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    Can't say I've read into it but if SRS called their event the same name and used the same route the possibility of that happening by pure coincidence is about the same as Cav not crashing during the TdF