Achilles problems - be warned

schofie Posts: 280
edited June 2013 in The cake stop
So when I was younger, a lot younger than today (20 years actually), I went over on my ankle and did some fairly hefty damage. From that stemmed achilles problems so I gave up football and running and took to the road about 5 years ago. I never had a problem until, in March, I did the 80 mile Jodrell Bank Classic in preparation for an exciting year of lots of peak district hill climbing interspersed with 4/5 100 mile plus hilly sportives. The ride went well, I did it in just under my target of 4hrs 30mins and was happy, until the next weekend I went out and my achilles 'went' on an ascent of the Cat & Fiddle.

This is where my warning comes in folks:

Do not, whatever you do, think that you can ride off an achilles problem. And don't try and get back in the saddle before you are totally sure that it is 100% recovered.

After the incident I didn't ice it, didn't take anti-inflammatories, didn't do the right exercises and didn't seek professional consultation. The result? Almost 3 months after, and following the best start to any season I've had in terms of preparation, I'm still off the bike. I'm driving home from work, passing cyclist and feeling sorry for myself, and it's all my own stupid fault.

If you do get an achilles problem don't be an idiot like me. Don't try and ride it off, get ice on it every 2 hours for at least the first 3 days afterwards, start to eccentric heel drops as soon as you can, and take anti-inflammatories for the first couple of days. If after a couple of weeks this hasn't done the trick, go and see a physio.

My problem stemmed from a stiff calf from the 80 miler and not stretching down properly. I'm usually religious about stretching down but it was a freezing day and I just wanted to get home and relax. I reckon if I'd followed the right protocol at the beginning I would have been back in the saddle in 4-6 weeks and would still be able to hit some of my objectives for the year. As it is, this season has been completely annihilated and is now just about recovery and getting some base fitness back.

Don't fall into the same trap as me guys, look after your achilles and they will look after you :!:
Everything you see on TV reflects, accentuates and perpetuates the worst of the human ego. Watch the news tonight and see the separation, persecution and retribution rained down on our fellow man. We're all mad


  • lucan2
    lucan2 Posts: 293
    Are you my Dad? I'm sure he gave me a very similar lecture once.

  • schofie
    schofie Posts: 280
    Probably not, but who knows if I have any love children anywhere :twisted:

    I'm only 36, probably made myself sound older with the lecturing tone
    Everything you see on TV reflects, accentuates and perpetuates the worst of the human ego. Watch the news tonight and see the separation, persecution and retribution rained down on our fellow man. We're all mad
  • steve6690
    steve6690 Posts: 190
    Well if we're lecturing.....I have a friend who snapped his achilles tendon playing football. He'd been on the piss the night before and not drunk any fluids when he got up. Doc told him dehydration was a major factor.
    That is all...........carry on.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    His biggest problem was he didn't get on with guitar playing dogs :lol::lol:

    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.