Help Deciding Route

guitarhq Posts: 9
edited June 2013 in Tour & expedition
Thanks again for all your advice yesterday.Much appreciated.
Today i have a shorter question.
I would like advice and/or help planning a route.
My start/finish is Burton on Trent to Fareham,Hampshire.
I have used Bike Hub and to get rough ideas of the route, but im sure that the more experienced of you will be able to give me an insight into what to avoid.
Ive cycled a few times on A38 Derbyshire (dual carrage. 70mph traffic) but i don't think i would want to cycle this type of road all the way if you know what i mean
I don't know yet whether to split the trip into 2 or 3 sections, but i guess i wiil figure how far to push in training over the next few weeks.
Will be doing the return leg about 4 days later.
Im undecided whether to use a tent or BB / budget hotels, which may alter the route.
I will need to purchased an appropriate tent , so working a budget out. Like, it will be cheaper for me to trip with one stop in a hotel.
Well thanks again in advance for your input and I look foreword to seeing some route ideas.
Andy :D