Broken wrist recovery

nicky_7751 Posts: 50
edited June 2013 in Road general
Had the misfortune to fall & break my wrist last Thursday :(. Am booked to ride the Magnificat next month (14th) does anyone think there's any chance I'll be able to do it or our local charity ride 2 weeks later? Hospital told me cast would be on for up to 6 weeks, had CT scan on Monday & due to go back on Thursday to fracture clinic when I assume I'll get result of scan. Radius fractured right on end through the joint but displacement looked to be almost gone in x-ray taken after cast put on.
Thanks for any thoughts on this. Nick


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,218
    See what they say on Thursday and mention that you've booked onto the rides and ask what you can do to help it heal quickly.

    Remember you'll be pretty much off the bike until it has healed (riding short distances in a cast is possible but it's not much fun).
  • ThatBikeGuy
    ThatBikeGuy Posts: 394
    Think it was about 2 months before i started to be able to ride properly, without pain going through my arm after every bump in the road. Best bet is as above see what they say on Thursday and get used to turbo sessions to try and keep some of your fitness.
    Cannondale SS Evo Team
    Kona Jake CX
    Cervelo P5
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    In the last 8 weeks I sprained my ankle badly and then a few weeks ago broke my elbow. Essentially just follow the advice of the medics - I have and everytime i see them they mention how quickly i am healing - my 6 to 8 week cast is due to come off after 4.5. I wouldnt ride, fall and you will do more damage, but with UK roads the bumps you get will cause havoc, but short turbo sessions are ok, although under the cast gets bloody hot (i would indulge once you know things are on the mend).

    Personally, psychologically i would write off the magnificat and aim at the charity ride - if you are making good progress then great but either the downer from building up to it or the rush to get ready and making things worse will be more of a blow.
  • nicky_7751
    nicky_7751 Posts: 50
    Cheers Guys, pretty fed up at moment but don't want to make it any worse than it already is. Fairly painful still & hand a lovely colour.....purple through to black :shock:
  • I've broken my wrist twice and while the cast could be off in under 6 weeks you will not have much strength in your grip and still feel quite a bit of pain for a while any bumps in the road will hurt
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    What everyon else says ! I fractured a small bone following a crash, only had the cast on about three weeks, but it took a while longer before I could ride - hand weak and painful. I did turbo sessions though. Down side is the cast gets yukky with the sweat, and your skin goes all manky !
  • edten
    edten Posts: 228
    time to buy a turbo. I badly broke my arm which needed a couple of plates. I bought a turbo and was training 4 days after the op and racing after 8 weeks. It was a little bit uncomfortable as the arm would stiffen up. Be sure not to bear sufficient weight to cause pain and if you have any concern just dont rest on the bars.