Seriously runny nose? Possible solution - Rinatec (UK)

Critch Posts: 60
edited May 2013 in Road general
Greetz all. Just thought I'd share something that may help others that suffer seriously from runny nose syndrome. I don't mean a few sniffles and snot rockets when you're out on the bike in cold, windy weather, or perhaps just in Summer when the pollen count is higher, I am talking about year round, serious quality of life issues where within 5 minutes of riding you produce nasal mucus that requires constant sniffing (every 3 to 4 seconds) and would require you to blow your nose heavily every 15 seconds or snot rocket. It is so bad it affects your breathing and your ride. I did a 100 mile sportive two weeks ago and I literally sniffed up mucus every 3 to 4 seconds for 7 hours, bar the lunch stop. Not nice and it seriously affected my day. I was blowing my nose at the food stops and blowing snot rockets the whole day so much I lost count. This happens to me every time I ride, all year round, even in the garage on the trainer. With that said you perhaps now realise this is not just a few sniffles that a lot of people get doing sports - I am just trying to get over how bad it can be for some people.

If this is you there is a prescription only drug that can help - here in the UK its called Rinatec nasal spray (Atrovent in the US). Active ingredient is Ipratropium Bromide. You can Google it to look it up but you will need to see your doctor as its prescription only. My doctor had never heard of it and had to look it up before prescribing it for me, but he did so without any issues once he's heard my story. It works. Two squirts up each nose 15 minutes before I set out. No tissues, no runny nose, no detrimental affect on my breathing. Its great, I am a new person when I ride. So far no side effects but I only use it on my main rides, never for commuting to work (I just deal with the commutes). It doesn't dry my nasal passages up completely and after an hour of riding I may have to do one small snot rocket, but not usually. Gone is the feeling of the mucus forever running and I might sniff once overy 20 mins or so. Its a bit different to having to sniff every 3 to 4 second or the mucus just drips out of my nose. This has near changed my life.

Thought I'd share it in case anyone else out there is in a similar postition and its seriously affecting their quality of life when riding. Rinatec might be worth a try.


  • ct8282
    ct8282 Posts: 414
    Hey, I suffer the same thing. In fact, I've had problems with my breathing for about 15 years, have had surgery twice to try and open my airways (horrendous experience indeed) and to this day my breathing is severely impacted all day and night. I wake at least 2 or 3 times every night because my nose is so congested to the point where my right nostril has zero use, I.e 100% blocked, and my left is about 30% clear. It ruins my life and has done for years. I can't go to the cinema without sitting there completely bunged up me feeling miserable. Sitting at my desk in the office and my nose is blocked. Sitting on the sofa and trying to relax is impossible. I have to constantly shuffle around and use a massage technique on my pressure points to try and clear my airways just slightly. Its horrific. If my right nostril is blocked and I lay to my left side after about 10 mins or so the blockage will shift from right to left. Its always my right nostril that's worse and when I can get the blockage to swap sides its like a momentary break from the misery, even though the left side is now blocked.
    Everyone I know is aware of my problem but no one really understands how life destroying it is. They all just think its a stuffy nose. My partner complains to me when she has a blocked nose from a cold for example but even when she has a blocked nose its probably only half as bad as what I have every day of my life. The pressure in your sinuses and behind your eyes is constantly there and makes it hard to concentrate. I understand what you're going through.

    I have tried all sorts of nasal sprays, some steroidal and others not. I have had tablets, and strong steroidal nasal drips and nothing seems to help. I'm pretty sure I've done Rinatec but will double check and if not I might give it a crack.

    Thanks for the post.
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    ct8282 wrote:
    Hey, I suffer the same thing. In fact, I've had problems with my breathing for about 15 years, have had surgery twice to try and open my airways (horrendous experience indeed) and to this day my breathing is severely impacted all day and night.
    Just curious, what surgery did you have? If not for a deviated septum have this checked out.
  • pete.whelan
    pete.whelan Posts: 788
    If you ride a recumbent, then runny noses are a thing of the past. Don't know why, but I've never had a runny nose when on the recumbent, but as soon as I change to an upright bike then it runs.
    Recipe: shave legs sparingly, rub in embrocation and drizzle with freshly squeezed baby oil.
  • ct8282
    ct8282 Posts: 414
    ct8282 wrote:
    Hey, I suffer the same thing. In fact, I've had problems with my breathing for about 15 years, have had surgery twice to try and open my airways (horrendous experience indeed) and to this day my breathing is severely impacted all day and night.
    Just curious, what surgery did you have? If not for a deviated septum have this checked out.

    Yep. Tried that. Worst experience of my life!