Bikes on a Train?

R8JimBob88 Posts: 285
edited May 2013 in MTB general
Evening all,

So I've planned a ride for Saturday where five of us are getting a train out and riding back. We are traveling with Northern Rail with a change onto Trans Pennine Express and getting the train around 9am.

Ive looked on the travel providers website and they are stating 2 bikes per train. I assume thats per carriage?

Does anyone have any experience with this? I've already booked and paid for the tickets and dont want to get turned away...
If you do what you have always done, you will get what you always got....


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    Most companies provide 2 spaces per train (not per coach) but it depends on the model of the train. I think 5 spaces on the same train might be pushing it....

    Did you not reserve bike spaces when you booked?
  • R8JimBob88
    R8JimBob88 Posts: 285
    Never really gave it a proper thought to be honest. Perhaps if we split up into different groups and see what happens! I'll try and get hold of Northern Rail and TPE tomorrow...
    If you do what you have always done, you will get what you always got....
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    You can book spaces for bikes after you've bought your ticket. It's probably worth doing because at least then when you turn up and find the bike space full of luggage/people/other bikes you've got good reason to complain about not being able to get on the train.
  • R8JimBob88
    R8JimBob88 Posts: 285
    I'll give them a call tomorrow I guess. Worse case there is a train every 30 mins for the first leg of the journey and then every hour on the second leg...
    If you do what you have always done, you will get what you always got....
  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    TPE have space for two (or three if you really try) in one carrage. There's also some space by first class that's reserved for wheelchair users, but providing there are none on the train most conductors are fine with a few of you using the space for bikes.

    Northern also offer two spaces in one carriage, but depending on the style of train you might get away with a few more (some have two single bike compartments, some have a big open space by the door.)

    A few things to keep in mind:
    You and your bike can be turned away from a train if it's very crowded (this has happened to me a few times.)
    Post passengers use bike spaces for large luggage, which limits where you can put your bike even more if they aren't willing to move it.
    Keep the conductor on side. Some don't seem to care if there's bikes all over the shop, whilst some are very strict with the two bikes per train rule. Either way, you have a better chance to bend the rules if you're friendly towards them. I've seen people get arsey before; and it tends to end with them being asked to get off.

    5 on the same train is optimistic if I'm honest. Possibly do-able, but I doubt you'll be able to stay as a group for all four legs.
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  • Yacoby
    Yacoby Posts: 211
    I have been on trains with loads of bikes, (Like way more than 5) on both Northen and TP Express. But as said it is the guards decision.