bonnette restfond, when open

inaperfectworld Posts: 219
edited May 2013 in Tour & expedition
I think I read that by the 1st june the major cols were open, but seeing the Galibier on the Giro today I wonder if the snow is staying on a lot later this year.
I've got the Bonnette/ Restfond planned in a fortnight, but is it usually open by then?


  • andrew_s
    andrew_s Posts: 2,511
    The major cols would usually be open by the 1st June, though the opening dates will depend both on the depth of winter snow over the top and on the weather forecasts (no point clearing the road if it's going to snow and fill it all in again).

    The first time I rode the French Alps, in late May/early June, there were banks of snow up to 4m high against the road over the Iseran and the Galibier, and the Bonnette/Restefond was open as a pass but the loop up to the 2802m top was still closed. On the other hand, the Izoard, Vars and the Cayolle were completely clear of snow then, but are closed now, so it does seem that there is more snow this year, though it could be recent snowfall on previously cleared cols.

    The current state of the cols is available at these sites.
    http://www.bison-fute.equipement.gouv.f ... &typeCol=X ... -alpes.php

    I'd recommend keeping a regular watch on both the alpine weather and the state of the cols to see how quickly, if at all, they open up once the weather improves.
    Also make backup plans in case it turns out that the cols are closed when you get there. Fresh snow can close them even if they've been open a while.
  • thanks for the sites, I see col d'allos is open and col de la cayolle just opened, la bonette still closed. I'm just wondering if when they do first open what are the conditions like in terms of having to ride on ice and snow? Are the roads fully clear?
  • andrew_s
    andrew_s Posts: 2,511
    It's unlikely that the road clearers will get every last bit of snow off, but the black road shows through what's left enough that the sun will melt it back pretty quickly.
    One thing to be aware of is that you can get afternoon snowmelt running onto the road and freezing overnight, so watch for icy patches if there's a fair bit of snow by the side of the road. This will depend both on the weather and what time of day you go over the col.

    That the Allos,Vars and Cayolle are open now probably means they will remain open except if there's a late snowfall, which will likely only close them for a couple of days