Calling Guildford Cyclists - Gyratory consultation!

Sleeptech Posts: 43
edited May 2013 in Commuting chat
There's currently a consultation going on about the Guildford Gyratory system & how best to improve it for walking/cycling/public transport so fewer folks feel they have to drive.

If you're in Guildford there's still today / tomorrow to look at the consultation material in person:
Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, Friday 17 May, 9am until 5pm.
Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, Saturday 18 May, 9am until 5pm.

Otherwise it's available online at (pdf linky

If you can now's your chance to put your views across in the online questionnaire:

Fingers crossed they make this god awful bit of road just that little bit better....


  • dal105
    dal105 Posts: 31
    I ride round this stretch of road most days, and really don't find it that bad. It's much slower in a car though - and pretty horrid for pedestrians as the pavements are very narrow. Apart from the potholes, not that bad on the bike.
    1) Specialized Langster (green one, SS) - FCN 5
    2) Giant TCR Alliance- FCN 4

  • Sleeptech
    Sleeptech Posts: 43
    Yeah - agreed, if you keep your lane etc etc its not all that bad.
    It stinks for the less confident cyclists who just avoid the area entirely and agreed with the pavements - I've pretty much been shoved off the pavement by the volume of peds.

    One of their proposals is to make bridge street pedestrianised and make the other 3 sides two way traffic. I think folk may as well leave their cars at home. They have 4 options shown with varying degrees of traffic direction. Unless they provide traffic flow simulator data (i assume this is possible) I don't know how they expect joe bloggs public to be able to say whether two way / partial two way or pedestrianised is best.