New Q Rings - Report



  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    I put the Qs on my race bike today. Firstly the shifting was pretty much fine(sram red 2013) slighty slow going on the big ring but no dropping. The thing that has done it for me is the chain rub. Driving me potty, added to that I didn't feel any better on them so I am going to rounds on both bikes.

    There were a few points that I thought that they made a small difference but not enough.

    How is Bernie doing?

    PS anyone wants some Qrings 52x36 message me before they go on ebay.

    I'm enjoying mine so far thanks! Position 2 seems to work for me and shifting is absolutely fine, but you do have to set the front mech up just right.

    Why and where is your chain rubbing? I don't see what would be different? Have you raised the front mech enough?
  • Mreckless
    Mreckless Posts: 214
    Have you managed to do the same rides in 2 and 3 to see the comparison.
  • themogulman
    themogulman Posts: 167
    Re Chain rub.

    The Sram red FD is tricky to set up anyway then add the Q rings and it becomes even worse.

    I tried for 20-30 to get it set up with as little rub as possible, but with rounds you can get no rub.

    The main reason to go back to rounds is that I feel for racing rounds work better. Most of the races I am doing end up in a sprint so I want the best for that. I think I will probably hang on to them for a while and see how thing go. I have a 52x38 on my race bike and feel over geared on some of the hills(Derbyshire) and I am doing the Dragon on Sunday so wanted them on my best bike for that(Qs52x36) I have ordered some compacts to see if it just that my legs like spinning up climbs.
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    Mreckless wrote:
    Have you managed to do the same rides in 2 and 3 to see the comparison.

    That would be a good idea, but I can't be arsed to change them back to 3 at the moment, and there's also the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' adage.

    The muscle ache I was getting in '3', disappeared completely 2 days later using '2', so too soon for my muscles to have adapted.
  • Mreckless
    Mreckless Posts: 214
    It's a hard one as I rode the same segments Saturday and Sunday but the wind was different on both days. Setting 2 rode it 28 seconds faster than 3. I'm tempted to go back to 2 for the race
  • Mreckless
    Mreckless Posts: 214
    Just went back to 2 and legs felt less achy. Left the inside at 3 and could feel the difference between the two settings
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I still can't tell the difference between 2, 3, and round rings. I'll pop them on 4 when I swap the chainset back to my TT bike next week.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Mreckless
    Mreckless Posts: 214
    Setting 2 feels good and fast for me on the flats, Setting 3 feels better up hills and sprinting but burns my legs to much on the flats. Haven't tested 1/4/5 yet
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    Mreckless wrote:
    Setting 2 feels good and fast for me on the flats, Setting 3 feels better up hills and sprinting but burns my legs to much on the flats. Haven't tested 1/4/5 yet

    Pretty much the same for me. I'm sticking with 2 for now. Feels like I'm riding quite well like that at the moment.
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    In the interests of keeping a track of changes / positions, as a help / reference for others, I've just moved to Position 3, and actually forgot I'd done it on the next ride, i.e. no discernible difference in the legs.

    (When I first installed the rings in Position 3, I felt fatigue/burning in my quads). So now after a year or so of use in Pos 2, it seems my legs have adapted well, and can now handle Pos 3, which presumably (hopefully) brings extra asymmetric benefits.
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    I used them for 6 months or so, position 3. Have just switched to Praxis rings and can't really tell any difference from a pedalling perspective but the new rings shift a lot better. I'm sold on the concept of mid-compact though for general riding. I'll be keeping the 50/34 for the mountains but for the South East 52/36 is perfect.
  • Moonbiker
    Moonbiker Posts: 1,706
    Are theese like my biopace rings? :o
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    Moonbiker wrote:
    Are theese like my biopace rings? :o

    Similar idea, different shape.
  • Mreckless
    Mreckless Posts: 214
    Funny how you mention this. I have been playing with mine for ages now. Setting 3 is fine for me now and also put in good times on setting 5