Leg pain

Sheepycb Posts: 12
edited May 2013 in Road general
Hi all.

Apologies for the long story.....

I have been experiencing pain at the front of my thigh, just above the knee. Also as soon as the muscle is put under pressure there's nothing there, I have no strength. It feels solid.

Now a bit of background....
I have been out injured from sport for nearly two years due to hamstring tear, itb problem, cyst on hip and the sciatic nerve sticking to the hamstring...I know I should have been put down!!!!
A few weeks ago my consultant said that I could try a non-impact sport. I shouldn't do any further damage. So, I started cycling again. My first outing was 6 miles, second 10 miles then third time was 16 miles (over a period of 10 days). The fourth time I went out was when the pain started. I rested it for 3-4 days and tried again, still painful. I can deal with the pain but it's the fact there is no power there, feels like the muscle has shut down and clammed up.
I stretch before I go out on the bike, and warm down and ice etc... I am a fit person as walk 2-3 hours for my work everyday.
I don't think it's the bike as I had a bike fit.

Any ideas or if anyone has experience this, I would much appreciate any advice.

Oh slightly panicking as have a charity ride in two and a bit weeks time!!!!


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  • forward_loop
    forward_loop Posts: 314
    pain above the knee is common in cycling - I know you have had a fit - but that doesn't mean its exactly right, slight cleat misalignment, saddle a couple of mm out would do it.(quality of fit also varies)

    it might be a fit orientated issue - it may be due to/exacerbated by your previous history.

    google is your friend for pain above knee when cycling to give you some idea of the multiple causes. All things being equal you should not have to "deal " with the pain. I would suggest going back to your fitter in the first instance - even if its a phone call as he should have considered everything you have told us when fitting.

    You need to have this sorted prior to your charity ride - which I am assuming is longer than you would have done up till now.
  • I had a simular issue, the advice I got from our trainer was:
    it sounds like your VMO is very weak (teardrop muscle above inner aspect of knee joint). There are a host of exercises you can do - I would google vastus mediallis or VMO exercises and you will find stacks of ideas.

    This will be dragging your knee cap across and also straining your IT band on outer apsect of thigh (from hip to knee). So whilst you are looking at VMO, also check out IT band exercises.
    *Insert something witty or profound here*
  • Sheepycb
    Sheepycb Posts: 12
    Thank you forward loop. I will drop in to the fitter tomorrow and speak to him. I know it's not correct to 'deal' with pain but I've kind of got use to that fact over the last two years with my injury. Saying that, this is a nee pain - so will hopefully nip it in the bud!
  • Sheepycb
    Sheepycb Posts: 12
    Yorkshirecoal. Funnily enough the other knee has a weak VMO, but not this one. I do exercises on both knees though.
    As for the IT band, it is injured anyway.
    Thank you anyway, good advice for others.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,541
    may also be that you need to take longer ramping up the distances

    16 miles isn't far, but it does take the body time to get used to cycling, usual advice is to increase distance only 5-10% per week

    certainly worth getting set-up checked, you don't mention if you're using cleats, if you are then cleat and shoe set-up become very important, i had niggling knee issues due to excessive pronation and a slight asymmetry, took a combination of shims, wedges, footbeds to resolve
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


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