Bike sat in the office ....

slowbike Posts: 8,498
edited May 2013 in Commuting general
.... and then mid morning there was a noise of air escaping ...

I have a flat front tyre ... dead flat ...

How nice ... :(


  • dee4life2005
    dee4life2005 Posts: 773
    My bike gets wheeled into the office and leant against my desk - understanding boss - and had something similar happen once, only it was a BANG wssshhhh. Scared everyone in the office, myself included :lol:

    On the bright-side, at least you know before it's 5pm ... nothing worse than getting ready to head off home and then find a flat ....
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I've found the tyre flat at the end of the day before ... it's a PITA ...

    Fortunately one of my colleagues had a track pump in his car so I was able to fix this puncture quickly ... must've caught the tube with the tyre lever whilst fitting the slicks last night .. glad it got me to the office.
    I'll check later to see if it's still up to pressure.
  • sswiss
    sswiss Posts: 354
    On the bright-side, at least you know before it's 5pm ... nothing worse than getting ready to head off home and then find a flat ....

    ^ This..... :evil:
  • BelgianBeerGeek
    BelgianBeerGeek Posts: 5,226
    Finding a flat when it's home time worries me so much that I go out to the bike at lunchtime and check the tyres. I then have the break to fix them if necessary. :oops:
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    And then to add insult to injury - tyre was ok at 1630, but totally flat at 1700!
  • dee4life2005
    dee4life2005 Posts: 773
    If your bike is in the office, couldn't be a comedian in the office thinking it's funny to let the air out. Wouldn't happen in my office, as about 60% of us a cycle commuters, but a mate had that happen to him a few times until he found out what was happening and returned the favour. The "comedian" didn't think it funny when they found their car tyre with a flat :lol:
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Did think of that - but they'd have about 2 minutes to do it whilst I went to get changed and they'd have to have remembered which wheel had the puncture and to do the valve back up.

    I pumped up the tube at home and it's clear the quick patch repair isn't tough enough - as expected ... so I'll just have to repair it properly ...
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Finding a flat when it's home time worries me so much that I go out to the bike at lunchtime and check the tyres. I then have the break to fix them if necessary. :oops:

    I've been wondering about that after having a 4:30pm flat this week! Worse, one of the spare tubes had too short a valve for the wheel (and needless to say, that was the one I fitted!) so I had to set off with no useable unpatched spare and slightly low air pressure. Still, all OK in the end......
    Faster than a tent.......