In line seat post

londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
edited June 2013 in Road buying advice
Annoyingly I don't think I'll be able to quite make the 25mm set back seatpost that comes with my frame work so am going to have to get an in-line one. I'm getting a Cervelo so the temptation is just to get a 3T Doric Ltd to match the stem and bars but these do seem to get a few bad reviews for being awkward and maybe I'm being too blinkered.

Any better suggestions? I'd like a 280mm 27.2mm and something in a subtle colour (all black?) to avoid clashing with anything else.

The Doric is 150g and costs around £90 so any improvements on that would be great.



  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,473
    Thomson Masterpiece? They have quite a firm feel compared to some of the more bendy light weight carbon posts (personally I like that). Quite light, and if you want to shave a few grams off it's easier and safer to hack a bit off the bottom than it is with carbon. Once you get the hang of tightening the bolts against each other the seat angle can be adjusted very precisely and repeatably (there is a scale marked in 2 degree increments).which is a big advantage IMO.
  • londoncommuter
    londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
    Thank very much for the reply, after reading up a bit more the Thomson Masterpiece looks great. I've also read a lot of bad reviews about the Doric with the clamp sticking out slightly too much and wearing people's shorts away!

    The only reason I'm hesitating is the Thomson (despite being only 156g) is solid enough for large mountain bikers. As a 55kg roadie are there any lighter options out there which maybe can't take quite the same pounding?
  • danmitch
    danmitch Posts: 47
    I have been very happy with my Condor Supremacy Carbon seat post - mine weighs spot on 130g and they are £90, black with very minimal branding and a nice two bolt design. This replaced a Fizik Cyrano, which was more expensive and I had constant noise from - in my opinion the Condor is significantly better. I have tried a Thomson in the past on a different bike - they are fantastic but it didn't work for me, I had the setback version and stuggled with saddle angle on a Brooks.
  • seadog99
    seadog99 Posts: 56
    I have a Doric Team inline post and it was a doddle to set up and has needed no further attention.

    It is a recommend from me

  • foggymike
    foggymike Posts: 862
    The Deda Drittissimo is good and very light as well as easy to set up and adjust minutely - about the same weight and a fair bit cheaper than the 3T one. ... tAodg2IADQ

    To be honest though you only need to set up a seatpost once so it doesn't really matter how fiddly or difficult it is does it? The difference between and easy and difficult to set up one is about 2 minutes of your life...

    The only thing I always avoid is any post with teeth on the clamp which make you adjust it in steps. They never seem to end up in the right place do they :?