You just can't help some people.

kernel_gadaffi Posts: 121
edited May 2013 in MTB general
I was in Hamsterley Forest today with the family, I didn't take my bike as there was no room on the carrier, so just did the dad thing, a woman stopped near me and was complaining of the pains in her legs, when I looked at the position she had and I wasn't surprised, she was riding a hybrid with the seat as low as it would go, so I got an Allen key out and adjusted it, she tried it and I said, "the seat could do with going up a little higher", I moved it again and she seemed quite happy, I had a little chat and l told her that her leg should just be short of locking out at the knee when pedaling and having a good position on the bike would minimise the chance of injury and long term problems.
Some 20 minutes later, she came passed with the seat back to where it was, she pedalled over and told me her boyfriend had lowered it again as he reckoned I knew nothing (at 52 years old with a lifetime of cycling behind me, I think I might have a clue), he came pedaling along and saw me talking to his girlfriend, he came over and basically told me to mind my own business, I told him I was just trying to help, I then asked the girl if the pains had gone while the seat position was at the higher level, she confirmed this and I left it at that.
I reckon about 1 in 10 bikes I saw today were wrongly adjusted/set up and in future, unless I'm asked to help, I'll be letting them get on.
Cube Peloton Pro.
Genesis Core 30.


  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I was there today as well and i reckon far more than 1 in 10 were set up wrong :lol:

    I leave them be, you'll never get praise for helping the unteachables.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    A too low or too high seat are the biggest afflictions I see - Even experienced riders seemt o not appreciate the difficulties they are giving themselves - a lanky chap at Afan the other day had his seat so high he was locked leg on tip toes at the end of the stroke - made me wince to look at it.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • spookynips
    spookynips Posts: 15
    It will never cease to amaze. From upside down drop bars to saddles what look more like playground slides...