Comparing Garmin files

davep1 Posts: 837
edited May 2013 in Road general
Apologies if this has been asked before, I would like to compare my Garmin file of a ride I did with a mate. Is this possible in Garminconnect, or Strava, or RidewithGPS?

It was a kind of pursuit, he set off about 10 mins ahead of me and I tried and failed to chase him down. It would be interesting to see how close I got at any point.


  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917
    Don't believe any of the sites allow multiple overlays from different units. Only way to do it is to upload the rides and then compare, side by side, with two windows open. Hope this makes sense!
  • cattytown
    cattytown Posts: 647
    Strava. Create a segment that's the whole ride. As long as you both went the same route it will compare both of you. Follow each other and you can exclusively compare each other on other's segments too.

    Giant Defy 2
    Large bloke getting smaller :-)