Edge 800 quickie

johnnicebutdim Posts: 99
edited May 2013 in MTB general

I am using my Edge 800 when doing the St Bees-Robin Hood's Bay C2C soon. I want it to show as one complete ride when I upload it to Strava. My theory is that if I press 'stop; when I finish the first day's run but don't reset, then put it on charge for the night, and then press 'start' the next morning, it will start from where I left off and treat day two as a part of day's one run and so on.

Is this right? Is there a better way?




  • shadow4532
    shadow4532 Posts: 133
    yes that will work.
    when i first got my garmin i had a whole weeks commuting show as one ride untill i figured it out.
    GIANT PROPEL SL1 for racing and posing
    TREK 2.5 training and commuting
    GIANT REVEL 1 LTD for when it gets all snowy
  • Thanks for that.

    Do you know if I have to keep the Edge switched on to be able to start where I left off the next morning or can I press 'stop', switch it off and then when I switch it on again next day and press start, it will continue from where I left off?
  • shadow4532
    shadow4532 Posts: 133
    you dont have to keep it swiched on no
    GIANT PROPEL SL1 for racing and posing
    TREK 2.5 training and commuting
    GIANT REVEL 1 LTD for when it gets all snowy