duotrap Bontranger

stephendennis Posts: 2
edited May 2013 in Road general
Just upgraded my bike to a Trek Madone 4.9 and it has the the duo trap Bontrager ready slot for the speed / cadence sensor.

What are the required wheel / crank magnets for these to accompany the sensor?

Are they easy to link to a Garmin 800 etc?


  • graememacd
    graememacd Posts: 386
    You get just a standard wheel magnet that attaches to one of your spokes and a rubber band that fits round the end of your crank.
    I use mine with a Bryton rider 50 and it picks it up as a speed/cadence sensor without any problems, I imagine it would be the same on your Garmin.
  • shadow4532
    shadow4532 Posts: 133
    yes they do pair with garmins its the same procedure as with the gsc-10.
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  • dnormski
    dnormski Posts: 18
    I have just purchased the sensor to work with my Garmin 500 on a Madone 4.7

    If you source the duotrap sensor it comes with the wheel and cadence magnets in the pack. I got mine from J E James for about £30.

    Fit the sensor, fit the magnets and spin the pedals and wheel and you will see red and green lights flash on the sensor for the first 10 revs of each indicating that it is picking up the magnets. Mine worked first time with no issues. Instructions are in the pack

    Good luck