5:2 diet

anthdci Posts: 543
edited May 2013 in Commuting general
I'm thinking of giving this a go since my weight seems to be slowly creeping up again. I commute 4 or 5 days a week by bike, governed by how my legs feel. I do a 25mile round trip, and my tracker says i use 1100 calories which I take with a big handful of salt but still. I commute by bike primarily for fitness but also to save money (hasn't worked out too well as I've spent more money on bikes!). My question for anyone that has done it is do you commute on your fast days or do you not have enough energy?


  • paulg99
    paulg99 Posts: 55
    I do this and have not had any problems commuting fasted, or out on longer runs (up to 50 miles so far), but we are all different so take it easy and take something to eat with you just in case you start feeling ill.

    I actually feel more energised on my fast days, but I would suggest trying a couple of fast days on non-commute days first to see how you feel.
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    Extend your commute or/and increase the intensity (intervals...) especially at the end of the ride.

    Replace some carbs with proteins and healthy fats e.g. nuts and fish.

    Fuel yourself properly immediately after each ride e.g. Friji milk shake. That will speed up recovery and will prevent you from grabbing all food in sight later.

    Forget about fad/exercise diets :wink:
    Riding on empty (effectively a controlled bonk) will reduce the intensity, compromise recovery and will increase the risk of muscle loss.
  • menthel
    menthel Posts: 2,484
    I 5:2 and find running or cycling on fast days easy, in fact easier than the day after. I do 13km each way on my commute and it really is not a problem. Combined with cycling I am now shifing weight again after getting stuck since just after xmas.
    RIP commute...
    Sometimes seen bimbling around on a purple Fratello Disc or black and red Aprire Vincenza.
  • anthdci
    anthdci Posts: 543
    menthel wrote:
    I 5:2 and find running or cycling on fast days easy, in fact easier than the day after. I do 13km each way on my commute and it really is not a problem. Combined with cycling I am now shifing weight again after getting stuck since just after xmas.

    thanks, just what I wanted to hear.
  • jedster
    jedster Posts: 1,717
    I've been doing this since July.

    Typically commute 20 miles round trip four times a week. Usually the fast days coincide with cycling days (non cycling days are often work dinners etc).

    It works fine for me although I do allow myself a bit more than the 600 calories you are supposed to have on a fast day (perhaps 800-900). Justification is just that 600 wasnt meant for people burning 1000 exercising!

    I find that I have plenty of energy on fast days although I do tend to eat something before my home leg if I'm starving.
    The cycle the day after can feel a little tough (I dont eat before I get on my bike) but still OK.

    ONe thing though - I do think people vary, I'm generally good eating a lot with big gaps between. SOme people seem to struggle if they dont eat little and often. I reckon the latter type dont get on with 5:2