GPX Files

stephendixon Posts: 9
edited May 2013 in MTB general

Need some help/direction on what to do with routes that have been sent to me in GPX files.
I have an Android phone and would like to be able to follow these routes.

What's the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance.



  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I don't think there's an easy way. I've tried to do it and there's no native app that will read GPX files. I ended up installing a free GPX viewer which was not very good.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    You could use a mapping website like which will allow you to upload the GPX files. You'll be able to study the route on your computers browser and at the very least, take screen caputres and save them to your phone as jpgs. Or, you could download the viewranger app which turns your phone into a fully fledged GPS tracker. You'll need to purchase and download the OS maps to your phone for the track to be of any use, but it's a very good app and one I've used for years now.
  • Thanks for the replys.
    Checking out viewranger now.

  • View ranger is brilliant if you take the time to learn it. Free opencycle paths map too. The os maps are cheaper than most dedicated gps devices, but still not cheap. I think there is a 20% off full country maps now, unless it's expired.
  • Deep in the depths of View ranger now thanks :D