Castle Combe Series

temitchell1987 Posts: 73
edited May 2013 in Amateur race
I'm considering heading up to the track for the next one to ride it and see how it goes.

It'll be my first race environment.

I've heard it's quite chilled out but any advice you can give me, race craft/etiquette etc



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,148
    The most important thing will be to keep your line and don't make any sudden movements. Also try to avoid overlapping the wheel in front. I think they have big groups so you should get a decent amount of shelter, the course can be a bit breezy. I would also say warm up really well, build in some sprint efforts towards the end. The first few laps of those sorts of race tend to be the hardest before everyone settles down so you need to be ready for it, I have quite often been dropped in the first couple of laps of a circuit race but then sat in easily once the bunch has lapped me for this reason.
  • Cookie91
    Cookie91 Posts: 97
    Have a laugh, most important!
    You should enjoy it, although i wouldn't say that it is chilled. It can get rather hectic through the chicanes, just make sure you hold your line. As pross said overlapping the wheel in front is never a good idea, as a general you should always look after your own front wheel.

    Also on the last lap for the sprint providing you're near the front, i would say it's best to enter the last corner on the far right (widest) ,but you hold the most speed and you don't get boxed in as everything tries to cut in on the inside. Also everyone bunches up on the inside of that corner and slow down. Although if your in a breakaway by yourself or a few others, scrap what i said and take the best line!

    This video is actually quite good, and unlike most not boring as hell! Should give you a good idea of how to ride in a bunch and what to expect.
  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    I did my first race last week on a circuit, 4th cat only and was very surprised at how fast the pace was. I made the mistake of leading out on lap 3, and was blown to the back and spat out in around 20 seconds and took me 5 laps to regain my breathing and drop my heart rate. Until you get used to it, I would sit in the peleton for your first few races and makes sure your happy with the pace, don't be a hero!
    Once I got back on, I found it quiet easy and managed to sprint for the finish line with the front lot so was pleased with my result.

    My advice is, don't get intimidated by any other rider, some of the fastest looking guys on the most expensive bikes were the first to get spat out the back. In fact the guy who won the race just had black shorts and black top on a standard bike.

    Defiantly hold your line, look around regularly, as if you are in your car! Be aware of who is around you and don't panic when riders get close. I clipped bars and was leant on, but just hold your cool!

    If its a bunch sprint, which it more than likely will be, don't go too early, my friend lead out the last lap and went with around 600 metres to go he came 35th!!.. I spent most of the time at the back and managed to come 11th.

    Oh and if there are females racing, pick a fit one and sit behind her its a great way to speed up the hour! and takes your mind off the race! enjoy.. I came home smiling, was a great experience.
  • Cheers chaps

    Very useful.

    I didn't mean chilled out, I appreciate it will be pretty full on. But that the whole set up down there is pretty good. Closed circuit, smooth roads etc.
  • Cookie91 wrote:

    Also on the last lap for the sprint providing you're near the front, i would say it's best to enter the last corner on the far right (widest) ,but you hold the most speed and you don't get boxed in as everything tries to cut in on the inside. Also everyone bunches up on the inside of that corner and slow down. Although if your in a breakaway by yourself or a few others, scrap what i said and take the best line!
