Making a rod for all our backs

chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
edited April 2013 in Road general
Couldn't quite believe what I just saw. I turned right with (as in, having arrived at the lights almost at the same time, not in any way riding with) another roadie just now, into a major road two lanes wide plus a bus lane. The three lanes become two at the next lights.

I had headed over to the bus lane, well out of the way of what then transpired.

So the other roadie hogs the middle lane, and the car behind honks. Nothing outrageous, and arguably the roadie is entitled to be there if he's turning right at the next lights.

But the roadie turns round in the middle of the road and shouts F*** Off, really loudly.

Not surprisingly, the driver gets angry... chases after the roadie, who goes into the right hand lane ahead of me by about 50 yards by now. The roadie turns round and gives the car the finger.

Lights are red, and it's obvious that the driver is going to do something, so the roadie swerves into the left hand lane, which has a green filter. The car changes left too, still chasing.

At the last second, the roadie swerves right, jumps the lights, and escapes, leaving the car with no choice but to go left on the green filter.

If you're on here, Mr roadie, sir, I respectfully contend that you're a complete cnut, and give the rest of us a bad name.
Is the gorilla tired yet?


  • Kerguelen
    Kerguelen Posts: 248
    Don't believe a single word of that.
  • chrisaonabike
    chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
    Kerguelen wrote:
    Don't believe a single word of that.
    Really? Honestly, that's exactly what happened.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,812
    edited April 2013
    Ah the old "I ve got this friend called Other roadie" trick

    Can't fool us Chris! ;)

    (i'd link to The Simpsons "Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo" clip if I could get on Youtube but it's blocked)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Mikey41
    Mikey41 Posts: 690
    It's always entertaining when two arseholes meet each other :)
    Giant Defy 2 (2012)
    Giant Defy Advanced 2 (2013)
    Giant Revel 1 Ltd (2013)
  • But what was he wearing? Important detail missing here.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • chrisaonabike
    chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
    But what was he wearing? Important detail missing here.
    Not sure, it was all black. :)

    I was in jeans and a t-shirt, so fortunately I was invisible to both the other roadie and the car driver.
    ddraver wrote:
    Ah the old "I ve got this friend called Other roadie" trick

    Can't fool us Chris! ;)
    LOL. No, really, I was just on my way back from a friend's about a mile and a half away (god, I hate cycling in jeans, but the friend has a teenage daughter who loses no opportunity to take the p1ss out of me so I can't really arrive in the gear), I wasn't even out for a proper ride.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    take the p1ss out of me

    The question is, however, do you look like this:


    or like this:



    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • Two wrongs don't make a right, but what exactly did he do that was worse than the driver's actions? Sounds to me like he just 'tooted' back.
  • chrisaonabike
    chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
    Two wrongs don't make a right, but what exactly did he do that was worse than the driver's actions? Sounds to me like he just 'tooted' back.
    In fairness, it was one quick toot, followed by some very directed and deliberate provocation. I wouldn't have honked if I'd been driving in the same situation, but equally the roadie didn't have to occupy so much of the road.

    I'd say the roadie was easily 75% at fault, overall. Anyway, it was last second escape by jumping the lights that was the really classy move that took the biscuit.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • I'd say the roadie was easily 75% at fault, overall.

    For being in the road? I would say making a rod for your own back is agreeing to being bullied out of the way at every opportunity and accepting any aggressive behaviour directed towards you.
    Anyway, it was last second escape by jumping the lights that was the really classy move that took the biscuit.

    I'd want out of the way too if someone was chasing me down in two tonnes of metal.
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    I'd have to agree. If someone was chasing me with a car I too would 'cheat' to escape.

    And do we know what might have happened between car and cyclist BEFORE this first honk? You might have ridden mid-way into something that had already been going on for a couple of blocks.

    At any rate a driver who will chase someone, create a potentially lethal situation, because someone gave him the finger is a far worse thing to have on the roads than a cyclist who took exception to being tooted at and made a rude gesture. I wonder if anyone on a motoring forum, who witnessed such a thing, would lament it in a post and describe the motorists actions as a rod for all their backs?
  • lotus49
    lotus49 Posts: 763
    Kerguelen wrote:
    Don't believe a single word of that.
    Why ever not?
  • chrisaonabike
    chrisaonabike Posts: 1,914
    Hoopdriver wrote:
    I'd have to agree. If someone was chasing me with a car I too would 'cheat' to escape.

    And do we know what might have happened between car and cyclist BEFORE this first honk? You might have ridden mid-way into something that had already been going on for a couple of blocks.

    At any rate a driver who will chase someone, create a potentially lethal situation, because someone gave him the finger is a far worse thing to have on the roads than a cyclist who took exception to being tooted at and made a rude gesture.
    I agree with all this. It's possible that there was 'previous', I just felt that the road was plenty wide enough for the bike not to be getting in anyone's way in the first place. My preference is for cycling in a non-confrontational way wherever possible, not to assert my 'rights' wherever possible.

    No doubting the fact that the car driver was an arse too, especially since the gap between the two sets of lights was only about 20s - but the world seems to be full of angry people these days, I prefer to just avoid them where I can.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    Did the cyclist look like this?
