Where can I offload some gear, like?

pottssteve Posts: 4,069
edited April 2013 in Pro race

As some of you may know, last October I rode from NL to Wales for charidee: https://www.facebook.com/cyclingtowales

So far we've raised about 16,000 euros towards a target of 25,000

Due to my (entirely legitimate) contacts in the Amstel Gold organisation, I have managed to get hold of the following items:

1. A retro-style AGR jersey signed by this year's winner.
2. A 2012 World Champions jersey, signed by Philippe Gilbert, together with signed postcard.

I would like to auction these items to raise more money and would like your advice as to the best place. Would the BR forum be a good start? Belgian fan sites? I literally have no idea, and would welcome your input. Has anyone sold anything like this before?

Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs


  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    Ebay, with a for sale link in BR & perhaps the same on some of the Belgian fan sites too
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    You can't auction things in the BikeRadar forum, only sell as fixed prices, so that's probably not what you're after. I'd use eBay, unless someone thinks that you'd get so much for them that it would be worth taking them to an actual auction house?
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    lc1981 wrote:
    You can't auction things in the BikeRadar forum, only sell as fixed prices, so that's probably not what you're after. I'd use eBay, unless someone thinks that you'd get so much for them that it would be worth taking them to an actual auction house?

    No but he could if using Ebay put a for sale in the BR section with Ebay in the title which will be locked but still get some advertising for the Ebay listing.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Have you spoken to the charities you are raising money for? Could you donate the items to them so they can auction them at their next gala or corporate do they have to slightly sozzled exec's with fat wallets?
  • oneof1982
    oneof1982 Posts: 703
    What about a raffle? You are from a college with zillions of students, and part of a club, so you'll probably easily sell 1500 tickets at a pound a pop.
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    Thanks for the feedback so far.

    I've never used ebay - not sure if I want to go to the hassle of setting up an account for just this and then sorting out payments etc.

    mr poll - we (the school) are the charity - we want to sponsor a student to attend the college. We did an auction full of sozzled alumni that worked well last year, but unfortunately there isn't another one planned this year.

    oneof1982 - that's a great idea! I will see if there are rules relating to raffles here in NL, as I know there are in some countries.

    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    No but he could if using Ebay put a for sale in the BR section with Ebay in the title which will be locked but still get some advertising for the Ebay listing.

    Yes. I think we posted at the same time, so my post wasn't in response to your suggestion, which is a good one.
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    lc1981 wrote:
    No but he could if using Ebay put a for sale in the BR section with Ebay in the title which will be locked but still get some advertising for the Ebay listing.

    Yes. I think we posted at the same time, so my post wasn't in response to your suggestion, which is a good one.

    Thats cool I know what you mean - just thought I'd add in a bit more explanation for the OP if he did go down the Ebay route.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.