Today's milestones!

pinkteapot Posts: 367
edited April 2013 in Road beginners
Started in March, and posted about whether I'd be able to build up to a 60 mile charity ride on 19th May. Finally starting to believe I'm going to be able to do it. :D

46 mile ride this morning - longest yet. I've been adding five miles a week which will get me to the 60 mile mark just in time.

Best of all, with my new-found thigh muscles (really noticed them this week for the first time) I'm now able to cruise using the upper gears with the 3rd front cog. I've not used the 3rd cog before unless I've been flying downhill. Thanks to the jump in the gear I can push, I averaged 14.7mph today, up from 13.7mph on my 40 mile route last weekend. :D

Bit gutted I didn't average 15mph - I was above that for the first half but had a poor five miles shortly after the halfway point where I lost the mental battle and was a bit miserable. :(

Still, increase of 1mph for the average speed from my last ride - I'll take that. And I'll drop in my usual excuse for not being quicker - I'm on a hybrid. :P


  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    Well done on keeping to a plan - it's probably really hard only adding 5 miles a week but you should notice some big improvements!

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • pinkteapot
    pinkteapot Posts: 367
    I did an out-and-back today and I was *really* tempted to carry on to 25 miles on the way out, to make it a 50 instead of the 45 I'm up to. It became 46 because I wanted to reach the sea before turning round.

    I suffered early on in my training when I jumped up from 17 miles to 25 miles (in retrospect, adding 50% wasn't wise) so I've stuck to five mile additions since. :)

    Am pleased that for the last four rides my average speed has increased, as well as my distance. :D
  • Toe knee
    Toe knee Posts: 525
    Very well done pink teapot, as you can see in my post above yours 1st ride after... , I'm making progress slowly, and can't wait to get to your mileage soon. Keep the good work up !!

  • pinkteapot
    pinkteapot Posts: 367
    Thanks - you'll get there quicker than you think. I'm amazed at how fast thigh muscle builds. Someone told me it's because it's such a big muscle?

    I was a runner for a couple of years until a foot injury finished that. When I started running, I didn't progress at anywhere near the rate I feel like I am with biking. It's great. :D
  • dai_t75
    dai_t75 Posts: 189
    Good work - keep it up! I also hit my milestone of 50 yesterday.. not feeling too bad today either which is a good thing.

    It's interesting you mention how quick your thigh muscles are changing. I always have and always will have skinny legs no matter what I do :x Oh well, as long as they keep moving me and the bike I will be happy enough :P
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Congrats Pinkteapot,that,s some great riding in such a short time and very good average.Keep it up,oooh mrs :D
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • pinkteapot
    pinkteapot Posts: 367
    Thanks. :D Just looked at my Cyclemeter history:

    January: 8.8 miles (that was one trip, checking out the route to work and back)
    February: 34.3 miles (commutes only)
    March: 144.2 miles (changed from my awful old cheap MTB to my hybrid on 9th March)
    April so far: 185.2 miles


    And another milestone - as of today the new bike has done over 300 miles in total. :D And I've spent 23 hours 11 minutes in its saddle, and never once had a single ache or rub, despite wearing no padding. Can't tell you how much I love Whyte for designing my bike so perfectly. :D