Skoda Training Ride

IanREmery Posts: 148
edited May 2013 in Road beginners
Hello all

As preparation for the Prudential London-Surrey 100 in August, Skoda (the main vehicle backup of the event) are organising training rides for those registered for the big 100. The first of these was on Wednesday just gone. I registered for it weeks ago. We were told that we'd have vehicle backup, and be doing a 35-40 mile training ride around the area accompanied by members of the Rapha Condor JLT team.

All of us cyclists who turned up for it on Wednesday morning (just over 40 of us I believe), were a bit shocked when we realised one of those Rapha members was 5 times World Champion and twice Olympic Gold Medal Winner ED CLANCY!

We muttered a collective OMFG under our breaths! I muttered another one when they divided us into our groups (depending on average speed we'd put down when registering) and Ed Clancy happened to be with our group, along with Ed Lavarack, a new member of the team. Clancy rocks up with a very snazzy Rapha JLT hoodie on over the top of his crash helmet. Being led by two members of the local Ajax Cycling Club from Cardiff, and with an official Rapha support vehicle trailing us all the way, we then go out for a steady 35 mile ride around the Rhondda.

I had a serious speed wobble when descending at 35mph (sphincter went o O o O o O repeatedly) but managed to hang onto it. One of the pros who was behind me at the time said "well done for hanging onto that, that looked terrifying". Not half as terrifying from your position as it was from mine mate!

I failed miserably trying to climb the Bwlch (thankfully I wasn't the only one) and was bloody grateful for the vehicle backup at this point, the bike went on the roof and I jumped in the back, trying to stop my heart exploding through my chest.

I would also like to thank Ed Lavarack for giving me a tow through Tonypandy, helping me smash 30 odd seconds off a favourite Strava segment of mine. I then overtook him and went for a blast, knocking 40 odd seconds off another segment between Porth and Pontypridd.

Finished the ride at about half one, then we hung around chatting to Clancy about his career, plans, feeding habits on races etc etc, anything under the sun. Also given a sandwich lunch bag and freebies from Skoda, as well as a SIS water bottle used by the Rapha team. I cycled home just after 2pm, feeling like the whole day had been a fabulous dream.

Considering I've only had a roadbike (Cube Agree GTC) for three weeks, it was a truly amazing day!

If you're doing the London 100, I highly recommend getting on one of the 4 training rides they're holding across the country. Well worth it!


  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Sounds like a great day!! The London 100 will be a huge anti-climax after that though!!;)

    PS I didnt get a place. Oh well :(
  • IanREmery
    IanREmery Posts: 148
    Sounds like a great day!! The London 100 will be a huge anti-climax after that though!!;)

    PS I didnt get a place. Oh well :(

    I went for a charity place with the BHF, combining it with the L2B in June. Decided that it simply wasn't worth missing out on. I've done a few L2Bs, needed a bigger challenge, then this came up. Couldn't resist it!
  • Chris87
    Chris87 Posts: 224
    I was there as well, was a cracking ride. There are going to be 3 more dotted around the country, definitely recommend it to anyone that got a place on ride London.
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Sounds a totally awesome day..And well done on the ride after 3 weeks.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • Chris87
    Chris87 Posts: 224
    Forgot to say earlier, there should be some video footage of this appearing on bikeradar soon, a few of the riders from Team Skoda Cycling Plus were on the ride and one of us was filmed for most of the ride!
  • Azhar
    Azhar Posts: 247
    Hahahah the sphincter comment was funny :). Sounds like a very organised and fun sportive if it includes a training ride with elites :)
  • Chris87
    Chris87 Posts: 224
    If anyone likes the sound of this the next one has just been announced. Its going to be in the South East, just outside of gatwick on the 3rd May.

    Not sure if registration has opened yet but I guess they will be sending out a mailer or something like with the last one.
  • I am booked on the next one on the 31st May in Wakefield, looking forward to it (I think!)
    I don't have much training on hills yet, and i guess its too late now.....

    Looks like they have 2 spaces left as of this morning
  • IanREmery
    IanREmery Posts: 148
    Each group had full vehicle back up, so don't be afraid. Two of us needed it after bailing on the bwlch.