CTT senior target times

rob churchill
rob churchill Posts: 272
edited April 2013 in Amateur race
The CTT have a list of target times on their website here, for different ages and distances.

Can anyone tell me the significance of these targets? are they average times for an experienced rider of that age, or the time needed to qualify for a particular level of competition, or what?
I have a policy of only posting comment on the internet under my real name. This is to moderate my natural instinct to flame your fatuous, ill-informed, irrational, credulous, bigoted, semi-literate opinions to carbon, you knuckle-dragging f***wits.


  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    You become a vet at 40 years old and these times you've linked to are commonly known as vet standards.
    There is another list produced by the VTTA which is more commonly used and the times vary slightly between the two lists. What happens is , you do your race and you'll get your actual time , then vets have their time compared with their standard time and receive a plus / minus in seconds. The winner being the person with a best minus.
    i.e people of all ages can race against each other using vet standard times and not have a disadvantage for being old.
    I know, as clear as mud, but it really isnt that complicated.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • sub55 wrote:
    You become a vet at 40 years old and these times you've linked to are commonly known as vet standards.
    There is another list produced by the VTTA which is more commonly used and the times vary slightly between the two lists. What happens is , you do your race and you'll get your actual time , then vets have their time compared with their standard time and receive a plus / minus in seconds. The winner being the person with a best minus.
    i.e people of all ages can race against each other using vet standard times and not have a disadvantage for being old.
    I know, as clear as mud, but it really isnt that complicated.

    No, I get it - it's basically a handicapping system. Thanks for that. :D
    I have a policy of only posting comment on the internet under my real name. This is to moderate my natural instinct to flame your fatuous, ill-informed, irrational, credulous, bigoted, semi-literate opinions to carbon, you knuckle-dragging f***wits.