Disc brakes noise

tudj Posts: 254
edited April 2013 in MTB workshop & tech
I'm quite sure this isn't an issue but would rather be safe than sorry;

My brakes (X0 Trail) have started making an unpleasant noise under medium/heavy braking, there is still plenty of stopping power and the pads have quite a bit left to go before they need replacing. The noise is similar to that squeal you get when the discs are wet but not as high pitched, the first time I heard it I assumed the pads had worn right down and as it sounded like metal on metal.

Is it something to be concerned about or is it a case of "they work so it's fine"?



  • good be that the discs are slightly out of whack (bent) mine make the same noise under load, i keep meaning to straighten them back again, but keep forgetting to do so.

    I would just bend them back into position again to check that is the case, if it isn't then take it to the shop to get it fixed
  • pop your pads out and check if they've a shiny surface, if so, lightly rub them down and remove the shine, i also worth looking to see that the pads are moving equally to the disc rather than one side pushing the disc over to the other,

    iirc. there's a post in the faq's about squeeling brakes
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