Leeds Cycling Campaign

vioforla Posts: 2
edited April 2013 in Commuting chat
For anyone attempting to cycle in and around Leeds, and who might want to do something about making it less rubbish, the first meeting of the Leeds Cycling Campaign is next Weds evening (10th April) 7.30pm in The Adelphi pub in Leeds (upstairs function room). All are welcome, whether you've just discovered Leeds is a bit rubbish for cycling and want to do something about it, or you've been involved in cycle campaigning since the Cookridge Street Contraflow was first mooted (sigh).

We have a new website:


And even Twitter:

Plus a multi-contribution blog with various rants:

There'll be an update on current campaigns in Leeds and an open forum for ideas and feedback. Everyone is welcome, particularly those that *don't* cycle - if you'd like to, why not? What would make you get on your bike?

Leeds is pretty much at the bottom of UK cities for cycling. We are going to change this, and quickly, before the Tour de France disappears again and we miss the bandwagon!

I hope this is an OK place to post this! Thanks,
Leeds Cycling Campaign / Leeds Cycling Action Group


  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully I'll be able to come along.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • bushu
    bushu Posts: 711
    Cycle lanes goin uphill too when theres only one side marked gives motorists the wrong idea when i'm forced to take primary in rushhour- 2pence

    I'm all for dutch style pavements or even just Yorks level of access, even if it does mean more nodders
    Of all the things they could do, potholes are the most dangerous things barring the idiots in cars