first club run done!

xchudy_1325 Posts: 85
edited April 2013 in Road general
went along today for my first club run, slightly nervous and apprehensive, was made more than welcome, and wasnt waiting at the start point for long before about 12 of us started off,

it was a pleasure to ride and the pace was great i didnt feel i was slowing others down, on the flats atleast! just before mid ride stop i started to drop back because we climbing what felt like everest to me, the others climbed i gave all i could but had to dismount and walk for 10mins or so to make the top, my legs just had no energy to get me up the hill even in my smallest gear which felt like my hardest lol

quick break then we headed back, alot more down hill this part i loved lol, rolling hills which i managed ok, and flat sections i kept the pace all the way back to home base,

i came unstuck a cpl of times where i fell over clipped in, that was due to being knackered and not having my weight shifted correctly lol thankfully tho only a cpl others saw it happen lol

another cool thing that in the group i was with was also stephen cummings, which was awesome to have my first club run with a pro

anyway rant over, i enjoyed it massively and cant wait for the next!


  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    Your first club run and it was with Steve Cummings?! Lucky git!

    Anyway, well done.
  • RDB66
    RDB66 Posts: 492
    Superb Chud, keep getting out there with'll soon be beating Steve Cummings !! ;0)
    A Brother of the Wheel.

    09 Canyon Ultimate CF for the Road.
    2011 Carbon Spesh Stumpy FSR.
  • cheers guys, looking forward to the next run

    i was meant to post this in beginners section will repost there if a mod can cose this one?
  • There's plenty of long time experienced cyclists out there who have never done a club run. I don't think it's out of place here.
  • thefd
    thefd Posts: 1,021
    That's awesome mate. Well done. Is Steve Cummings retired now?
    2017 - Caadx
    2016 - Cervelo R3
    2013 - R872
    2010 - Spesh Tarmac
  • andi1363
    andi1363 Posts: 350
    Congratulations. Club rides are great and possibly the best place to learn a bit more. 8)
  • There's plenty of long time experienced cyclists out there who have never done a club run. I don't think it's out of place here.

    ah yeah spose, theres two threads no tho, mods can close which ever then :oops:

    TheFD wrote:
    That's awesome mate. Well done. Is Steve Cummings retired now?

    nope, he races for BMC
  • pride4ever
    pride4ever Posts: 510
    The fact you admitted to falling over clipped in on your first club run makes you theee most honest dude on these forums. I would have died from embarrassment.
    the deeper the section the deeper the pleasure.
  • pride4ever
    pride4ever Posts: 510
    the deeper the section the deeper the pleasure.
  • pride4ever wrote:
    The fact you admitted to falling over clipped in on your first club run makes you theee most honest dude on these forums. I would have died from embarrassment.

    i was embarrassed :oops: but im thick skinned, plus ive only had my bike 2weeks, im still very much learning as i go, plus i fell cos i was knackered, slight lapse in where i should have my weight positioned,
  • gsvbagpuss
    gsvbagpuss Posts: 272
    Cummings?! You jammy sod! He's my current cycling man crush - so smooth on a bike
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Somewhere there's a club run pissing themselves laughing about convincing the newbie on their ride that the 18 stone MAMIL in replica BMC kit was Steve Cummings....
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • Well done, your average distance on strava without that ride is something like 13 miles... I'm waiting till I've got a few long rides in before I try club rides.
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    jibberjim wrote:
    Somewhere there's a club run pissing themselves laughing about convincing the newbie on their ride that the 18 stone MAMIL in replica BMC kit was Steve Cummings....

    Steve Cummings used to race for the club he was out with yesterday (BNECC), and is out with them fairly regularly. I passed him last year riding on the Wirral - unfortunately going in the opposite direction.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Steve was out riding on Saturday with the North End.
  • Glad you enjoyed your first Sunday ride. Its the best place to learn road skills as the people you are riding amongst have a mountain of knowledge between them, even Steve Cummings!! Those long Sunday rides, come rain or shine, are where you become a bike rider. Just dont turn up without mudguards on in the winter and you will be fine.