Anyone riding Fool's Errand II tomorrow?

spearmint_wino Posts: 109
edited September 2013 in Sportives/audaxes/training rides
First big ride of the year for me. Shame the weather doesn't look to be as good as today, it's almost warm for once.


  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    Yep I'm doing this one. Did it last year & remember it being quite good, nice & varied, lots of villages & stuff. Features Toys Hill & the very steep Rowdow, so some decent climbs too. I remember getting lost last year towards the end, but somehow found my way back to the start, albeit adding a few more miles & some more climbing! Road sufaces not the best tho, but whats new!

    Have a good one.
  • Yeah you too.

    Going to be riding this one solo as for various reasons riding buddies have dropped out - if you see a guy riding a black focus all on his tod feel free to say hi 8)
  • deswahriff
    deswahriff Posts: 310
    ..what did you guys think? Despite local knowledge, we missed a few turns - maybe missing signs?...and lots of confusion on main roads, A228 and A20...met lots of lost riders....maybe some marshalls needed?
    ..and some poor route choices, I thought...I'm not a fan of single track roads with cr@p and potholes and nowhere to go when you meet traffic...also a very poor choice after 60 odd miles approaching East Peckham..a silly choice of very poor track way instead of just staying on the main road, allbeit a busy dual carraigeway - just like the A228 and A20!
    .....really enjoyed the first half though, pbs' on all the climbs!
  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    Yes I missed about 4 turns due to no signage or poorly placed signage & only knew I'd gone wrong as my Garmin gave me the 'off course' warning! It seems lots of riders had these issues so this is clearly sonething the organisers need to look at. I would also agree that some of the course was a bit tricksy in places & more like cyclo cross! Keeps it interesting tho. I found it quite a tough day in the saddle, the atrocious road surfaces just ruined me, but enjoyed it overall. There were lots of good climbs, typically, lots of short steep stuff, & Carters Hill at the end was sickening!

    Won't be returning next year, I just don't enjoy the roads, they are the worst I have ridden on by far, & the return journey to North London is awful on Sunday afternoons!

    Well done to all who did it. I was on the all black Spesh Roubaix if you saw me!
  • deswahriff
    deswahriff Posts: 310 was on the all black Spesh Roubaix!!!
  • nunowoolmez
    nunowoolmez Posts: 867
    deswahriff wrote: was on the all black Spesh Roubaix!!!

    Well we both can be glad we had a bike that can handle the crappy roads & the climbs!

    The Chilli at the end was good, wished I could of had more!
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    I tried it but due to spending a huge amount of time waiting for my poorly riding partner and arriving at the feed station in what must have been dead last place (he gave up there and grabbed a lift back) then getting well and truly mixed up around Luddesdown (where my phone died), I stopped in Teston at 5-ish and 68 miles of fun. But I've only been cycling since August so I have mixed feelings - pleased I pushed on but disappointed I couldn't have made it to the end.

    Not decided whether to try again next year - I didn't enjoy some of the more weathered lanes and I'm going to have to practice the steep hills a lot more! Very impressed by the folk who passed us as we walked up Row Dow, especially the chap who stopped at the steepest point, had a breather and then managed to get going again! Now that's determination!!
  • Hi,

    Thank you very much to all for taking part in our Fool's Errand sportive in April this year.

    We are aware of the problems with some of the missed arrows on this year's Fool's Errand II - More Fool You. Some of our signs were taken down along the route but we'll do everything we can to ensure that this doesn't happen again in 2014, as well as increasing the number of arrows placed along the ride. We're also looking at the route itself to ensure that as far as possible (weather depending) we can avoid cycling along some of the really rough tracks.

    We'd love to have you taking part in our sportive next year; planned to be our biggest and best yet! More details are currently available at

    Warmest wishes,

    The Widehorizons Events Team