Brailsford interview



  • Rundfahrt
    Rundfahrt Posts: 551
    mike6 wrote:
    Rundfahrt wrote:
    mm1 wrote:
    The cynics (especially the Americans and Australians posting on that other forum) don't understand how much BC have resting on the Sky sponsorship. If they saw the 40 or so children (the majority of whom are girls, which is heartening given growing health concerns over many young women's aversion to exercise) who turn up to my club's GoRide sessions, they would understand that systematic cheating is too big a risk for BC to be taking.

    Actually systematic cheating would be precisely the risk worth taking. Winning is what brings in the numbers, wen a rider or team from a country starts winning pro races or gold medals people take notice. Thinking it is not worth the risk to an organization is simply naive.

    I'll also mention that this was one of the excuses given by USPS/LA fans.
    To read some paranoid ramblings Brailsford is a cross between the Hog and Eric Honeker, Wiggins (or whichever Sky rider is going well at the moment) is the new Pharmstrong and the team is "UK Postal". It would be a disaster if any of this were true, but my gut and everything I've seen of the BC coaching system says that it is not.

    Disparage those that question and claim your gut and what you have seen shows they are clean. Wait, that's exactly what USPS/LA fans were doing during his Tour reign. One of the reasons people do question Sky so much is how many similarities there seem to be, Wiggins getting pissed at doping talk and people on twitter/forums, Sky talking about better training/"marginal gains", the forum defenders using the exact same excuses, attacking anyone who questions (enlisting mods to help there cause), etc. So many similarities that make people without bias willing to, at least, think about the possibilities.
    That stuff about pirate feeds is just Brailsford pretending to be street...typical UK media, attempting to add colour as a sort of shorthand that hints at social class (showing how the subject is, or isn't, like the majority of the paper's readers). This being the Torygraph there will be another wistful article soon about Emma Watson or Sophie Dhal (with just about acceptable photographs), to allow its readers to forget about curious bicycling proles.

    Amateur psychologist telling us what people mean when they say something hat, conveniently, dismisses a quote from the person earlier that would add the possibility of thinking something untoward is going on. :lol:

    Dont waste your time guys. If a team is winning, ergo they are dopers. I have no idea why some people even bother to follow pro cycling with an attitude like that.
    Why not follow crown green bowling instead??? But I must warn you, the abuse of Werthers Originals is endemic.

    Mike6, I do not believe that at all. I enjoy cycling and hope that all the winners are not doping. That being said, after everything we have learned in the last year or so, it is very difficult not to take a moment and analyze what is being said and done.
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    Bear in mind up until 5/6 years ago we only had Tom Simpson and David Millar as a reference point of top end pro's ... Until being caught (or dying as a result of doping), neither of them admitted to anything ... History has taught us not to trust a Brit at the sharp end of the peleton ...
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Bear in mind up until 5/6 years ago we only had Tom Simpson and David Millar as a reference point of top end pro's ... Until being caught (or dying as a result of doping), neither of them admitted to anything ... History has taught us not to trust a Brit at the sharp end of the peloton ...
    Robert Millar, Barry Hoban, Chris Boardman and Malcolm Elliott amongst others may take exception to that.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    Possible spoiler altert...

    If sky are using systematic doping methods, they need to check the use by date on the batch of EPO they gave to their classics squad
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    RichN95 wrote:
    Bear in mind up until 5/6 years ago we only had Tom Simpson and David Millar as a reference point of top end pro's ... Until being caught (or dying as a result of doping), neither of them admitted to anything ... History has taught us not to trust a Brit at the sharp end of the peloton ...
    Robert Millar, Barry Hoban, Chris Boardman and Malcolm Elliott amongst others may take exception to that.

    You're letting facts get in the way of a good theory (I was thinking of including of Boardman and Yates and claim 50% dopers but decided it was too much typing) ...
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    I'm in a desert camp in the middle of the Sahara with a decent amount of spare time and very little to fill it with Rundy, I can go for hours and hours baby...

    Meanwhile here's some Camp Kittens...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver