First crash, how did it go?

wellbeloved747 Posts: 406
edited April 2013 in Road general
was out on the winter bike for one of the last times today, and it didn't end to well!

i was descending a hill in a residential area on the way to a friends house when a green van pulled out and i hit the front corner and tumbled to the ground.

I got up and took the mans details and continued to a friends house, where i cleaned the blood from my legs. i was going to ride home but my front wheel was bucked about 3cm so there was no chance. Mother picked me up and then the farther rushed me of to A&E.

so basically after a a few hours and 17 x-rays later the injuries are as follows:
Broken right hand
fractured right middle finger
fractured right forearm
fractured right elbow
a chipped right knee
deep cuts to both legs
facial bruising

I have to return if i have stomach pains as something internally may be ruptured and i have rex-rays in 2 weeks!

overall kit wise my shoes are now blood red and my front wheel is for the bin (luckily it is my winter bike)

so this is my first proper crash experience! how well did i do? and advise on what to do not apart from rest for a while?


  • jotko
    jotko Posts: 457
    Oooof, sounds like you picked a proper one for your first.

    Get well soon, that sounds nasty.
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    Ouch. I went down hard today but nothing broken luckily - hope you recover quickly!

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Ouch - hope you get well soon.

    You really need to report this to the police (within 24hrs) - even if just as a backup in case the driver starts denying any responsibility at some stage. Did the driver of the van provide his insurance details?? If not then the police should insist he produces this (assuming he didnt have his insurance certificate with him.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Check out the sticky over in Commuting.

  • Hollow-legs
    Hollow-legs Posts: 142
    Oh!!!!! Screechhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Skid!!!! Rip!!!!!!!!!!!! Thud!!!!!!!!!!!!***************************Clang!!!! Bumppp!
    Followed by GROANS!!!!!!!!Freckin hell! Arg! I ripped my rapha shorts!!! Crying sound!!! Boo Hoo!
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898

    so this is my first proper crash experience! how well did i do? and advise on what to do not apart from rest for a while?

    Sorry to hear about your off, its never nice to go through.

    As for how did you do, well your battered but alive & the bike can be fixed.

    What to do (other than rest) is start your claim. Are you a BC member if so would be contacting them to use their solicitors in the first instance. If not check your home insurance and see if this gives you a similar thing. If not then you need to consider if you are going to try to claim back for damages (& possibly injury) yourself or use a TP solicitor to do this for you. If you use a TP then do your research first & as your going nowhere you can sit on your laptop for a few hours finding someone local with good service & a good reputation.

    I would also start off by taking as many photos of you inc cuts, bruises now, plus your kit & bike too. If you can get back to the sight of the accident I would also go and take some pictures & I'll explain why in a moment.

    Once your making your claim the TP is either going to accept 100% its their fault in which case the above will simple outline your injury & damages to kit/bike. They might accept their at fault but argue your costs in which case the above evidence will help you tremendously. Or they could just turn around and say its not their fault, in which case your legal representatives will fight it out for you and if they get the TP to agree your evidence collected will also help.

    If you want an specific info just send me a PM. I'm not a solicitor, though do have a legal background but I do work in financial regulation so can talk you through the principles.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    Ouchiee. Feel for you fella. No advice other than listen to those involved in healing you and your body. Don't push it. Heal well
  • Images as per requested!

    About 2 hours after crash, it never stopped bleeding, i can only think that this was caused by the chainset!

    The leg with the cut and the road rash!

    Healing (sort of)

    2 days later

    I basically punched the floor and where the cut is on the knuckle is where the fracture is!

    not else really to se bar cuts every where and the break ( but you cant actually see anything)
  • Gren82
    Gren82 Posts: 48
    You look in pretty good shape despite the breaks so that's a plus! You'll be back on the bike in no time at all.

    Admittedly the only accident I've had to date was on a motorbike when I hit a kid on a bicycle (not my fault honest!). Broke my jaw in two places.


    Spent three days in hospital waiting for them to stich me up. Even had to check myself out of A&E, take a £50 taxi ride to Sheffield Hallamshire because nobody at Barnsley who could deal with me. Gawd bless the NHS. 4yrs on and still have bruises above each knee where I hit the handle bars as I flew over the top and roadrash on my back the size of a dinner plate.

    Haven't been on a motor bike since, pedal power all the way!
  • Ber Nard
    Ber Nard Posts: 827
    Just curious, did that ^^^ happen despite wearing a full face lid?

  • Gren82
    Gren82 Posts: 48
    Yeah landed square on my chin and the chin guard pushed back onto my jaw. Guess my lid wasn't a good enough fit in hindsight.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    I had my first crash about 4 weeks back, entering a right hand downhill corner too fast, scared to brake, went wide, hit the curb, bounced into a steel armco, cartwheeled over the top onto a grass verge. My left thigh hit the armco at 35mph according to the strava trace. Luckily nothing broken, just deep bruising on thigh and left hand - left thigh swelled up instantly then went purple all over for 2 weeks before turning a nice shade of green. My cycling tights show the friction marks of the impact quite well. I'm ok cycling now, just a bit slow on downhills, but leg still hurts to walk on, its left me with 2 big swollen haematomas on my thigh which are not getting any smaller.
    Amazingly the bike got off pretty well - twisted handlebars had to be binned, and a tweak of a few front spokes to true the wheel again.
  • i was going to ride home

    Umm, you are either insane or have a very high pain threshold!

    Hope you get well soon.
  • Images as per requested!

    About 2 hours after crash, it never stopped bleeding, i can only think that this was caused by the chainset!

    The leg with the cut and the road rash!

    Healing (sort of)

    2 days later

    I basically punched the floor and where the cut is on the knuckle is where the fracture is!

    not else really to se bar cuts every where and the break ( but you cant actually see anything)

    Dude, seriously. Get shaved.. :!:
  • Stupot101 wrote:
    i was going to ride home

    Umm, you are either insane or have a very high pain threshold!

    Hope you get well soon.

    I tend to have a high pain thresh hold but at the time i think i couldn't feel anything because i was in so much shock!