help me please

Whufcrule Posts: 131
edited March 2013 in Road beginners
hi im struggling to get my height right on my road bike seat i keep moving it up and down its been up and down more times than i care to remember i keep getting knee pain on outside off left knee always about 12 miles into a ride which gets worse if im out off the saddle pushing hard up hill im 6ft 31 inch leg and 15 and half stone if that helps my bike frame is 55cm im quite new to road bikes came from mountain biking want to get rid off this knee pain i keep reading about putting heal on peddle and lowering saddle till your leg is straight is that with your cycling shoes on??????? or in bare feet please help lads many thanks


  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Sounds more like it could be cleat positions. Best bet would be to take it to a decent bike shop and let them advise.
  • Whufcrule
    Whufcrule Posts: 131
    i have speedplay pedals which give me 15 degrees off float so im thinking its not that mate i cant afford a bike fit at the moment
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Not necessarily a full on fit. Got my position sorted out the other week for £40. Saddle height, position, bars swapped out and reach adjusted.
  • Whufcrule
    Whufcrule Posts: 131
    i aint got 40 quid at moment haha think ill have to get a fit in the end just looking for tips now mate cheers for ya help
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    This site is the DB's everything you need to set up saddle height set back pedal cleat position, spend a bit of time going through this site you will be able to set your bike up to avoid pain etc... ... knee-pain/
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • MattyDeez
    MattyDeez Posts: 54
    Andy Pruitts Medical Guide to cycling is also handy to have.

    For saddle height, heel on your pedal with your shoes off and you have to have a slight bend in your knee. I have a slight bend in my knee, if i did it any higher i'll get a niggly back pain on my right due to over extending.

    Make sure your cleats are set in the "neutral position" as well. Like, in the middle and straight then go from there.

    Try that website and even google Bike Fit, worse comes to worse just book a bike fit, well worth the money to invest in. I had to go for a 2nd bike fit, it was free this time as I went up a model and they had changed the geometry slightly, so had to change my settings a bit.

    All trial and error. But it does get frustrating!