Polyp operations

finchy Posts: 6,686
edited March 2013 in The cake stop
When I was a boy I was quite a good athlete - represented my town at swimming and my school at cross-country, but had to take a few years off sport due to multiple ingrowing toenails. I really got into cycling when I was 25 (I'm now 33) but one thing that stopped me competing was that on harder club runs I often found myself really struggling for breath, which was surprising seeing as I have a 7.5 litre lung capacity. Last year I finally took a lung function test - I have excellent lung health, but probably have polyps in my nose, which means that I produce too much mucus and then swallow it down during my sleep (compared to during the day, when I secrete it in various parts of the house). I was advised that an operation might help me, but then I got distracted by a broken leg. And the birth of my son. And my new job. And my studies. Now that I've got the first one out of the way, I'm considering having the operation. Has anyone ever had one done? Do they hurt or have any serious side effects? Was it worth it?


  • pease
    pease Posts: 150
    Both mother in law and brother in law have had them done. The latter is still recovering after surgery a couple of weeks agobhis were affecting his running and his snoring .

    It does help but there is a risk it becomes a regular operation as they can grow back. Have you tried steroids first ? Post op the douce ing is essential to healing and preventing reoccurrence. I'd say go for it but be prepared for a good two r three weeks recovery with no exercise.
    Insert witty signature here
  • laurentian
    laurentian Posts: 2,505
    I've had them removed twice.

    Once in the eighties under local anaesthetic where they were removed using a kind of wire loop thing that sort of lassoed over the polyp and was then pulled tight until the thing was cut off - I ended up having to have another sinus operation a few months later.

    The second time was about 5 years ago. Under general anaesthetic but in and out in a day. You end up with a load of disolvable "packing" up your nose and in your sinus that is pretty uncomfortable for a couple of days but once its gone and you're all healed you will notice a big improvement. The thing with polyps is that they will come back in all likelihood.

    They told me to expect another op about 20 years from the one 5 years ago. Personally, I think it will be nearer to 10 years.

    All in all, probably no worse than having a tooth out.
    Wilier Izoard XP
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    I had the operation circa 1990 and was warned that they would return. Sure enough, ten years later I was back again. This time, I was told that techniques had moved on and the surgeon would be able to remove a lot more tissue. I have been on Nasonex nasal spray ever since and so far, no recurrence.
    The operation itself is no big drama and done under general anaesthetic. I suffered no pain at all afterwards.
    I would recommend anyone with nasal polyps to have the op.
    Good luck!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Thanks for your advice, I'll go and see a doctor when I can.