Coast to Coast Route Planning

Snailpace-Bob Posts: 36
edited March 2013 in Road beginners
After a long winter off the bike Ive kick started my training again by convincing some of my work mates to do a coast to coast ride. I work for a big company with a number of depots and offices along the M62 corridor and was planning to hit all of them from Hull to Warrington. So I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for easy route planning. Google maps cycling planner is ok but doesnt really give much information like road types or climbs / decents etc. Any and All help would be appreciated.


  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022 this is a good place to start but may not take into account your office and depot stops!
  • Azhar
    Azhar Posts: 247
  • Thanks for the suggestions. Ive had an hour on ridewith and it was really easy to plot the course. It even gives elevation so you can spot the tough bits. All thats left to do now is book th B&B's and get back into shape.
    Oh and the easy bit of riding 200 miles