Bottom bracket..making a racket

Jon_1976 Posts: 690
edited March 2013 in Workshop
Sorry for the thread title :wink:

I've got a 2013 Allez, which has done 800 miles (very few wet). I noticed the other day there is a bit of play in the cranks. Grabbing the pedals by hands and emphasising this play, the bb makes a 'clunk' sound. Spinning the cranks, the bb sounds fine (no grinding, rattling, etc). Would it be ok to continue using the bike in this state until I get chance to swap out the bb (which could be a couple of weeks)?

All that remains of the original 2300 group are the chain set and bb (square taper) as I changed to 4600 Tiagra. Considering getting a 4600 chain set and hollow tech II BB.


  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    Have you tried stripping, cleaning, regreasing and reassembling first? Gives you a chance to inspect the BB too so you might be able to ascertain if you really do need a new one.
    “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    +1 to that suggestion. If you don't already have the tools (crank extractor and BB tool) you'll need them to remove the chainset / BB when if you later upgrade.

    Whip out the square taper BB and see if there's play / roughness when you turn the spindle by hand. If OK, grease the BB threads and reinstall snugly.

    I'd be surprised if you've managed to knacker a square taper BB that quickly though.
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    Ride it for as long as you can and then throw it in a bin. It's probably a cheap cartridge OEM unit and there's nothing to adjust grease or inspect there.
    Get a Shimano UN54 or UN55 and it'll last you for years.
  • Flexisurfer
    Flexisurfer Posts: 249
    The bottom bracket is finished, I've got the 2013 Allez and have had the original replaced by my LBS as it was under warranty then the new one failed so I just bought the UN55 and shoved ht in there, as said it will last for ages. I recon you'll be alright to ride it for a couple more weeks depending on what sort of distances you are doing. By the way has your free hub packed up yet? I think the second one is on its way out already and I've done about the same mileage as you.
  • Jon_1976
    Jon_1976 Posts: 690
    I sold the original wheels after only doing about 100 miles on them so never suffered from freehub problems. Apart from the bb and an increasingly squeaky saddle clamp, its been problem free. Having said that, not many of the original components are still on the bike :|