BespokedBristol 2013

iPete Posts: 6,076
edited March 2013 in Commuting chat


  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Yes, it is very good and only a short hop from Bristol Temple Meads station - 15 minute walk.

    Sadly, I will have moved to London by then, so, I may be training it over to slobber over some steel.... :shock:
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    15 minute walk?? You must walk as quick as you ride :lol: Two minutes top and downhill too.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Oh right - it is not at Paintworks this year!

    Yes, 2mins from Temple Meads!
  • FoldingJoe
    FoldingJoe Posts: 1,327
    Think I'll pop up on the Saturday.
    Little boy to Obama: "My Dad says that you read all our emails"
    Obama to little boy: "He's not your real Dad"

    Kona Honky Tonk for sale:
  • pete_s
    pete_s Posts: 213
    Yup I'm going to the show this year.

    I've got them on my Facebook page and they post pictures of bikes that some of the featured builders are working on. They look absolutely stunning.
  • Widgey
    Widgey Posts: 157
    Tickets for the Sunday.. wheels on my list :-)
  • Widgey wrote:
    Tickets for the Sunday.. wheels on my list :-)

    Don't think there's much in the way of stock, it's more of a display of fine craftsmanship. Last year I left with a bunch of stickers, a cake and coffee in my belly and the realisation that even my blingest bike isn't all that.