fitting Campagnolo 10 speed chain

bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
edited March 2013 in Workshop
been looking at various vids on how to do this, seems a little more complicated than a shimano chain? question is will a normal 'smallish' park chain tool do the job ok? the videos on campag site have a much heftier chain tool with a lot more leverage than my spindly little park tool. Any other fitting advice/pitfalls would be welcome, thanks in advance
All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    10 speed chains are much harder to push the pins out of than 9/8/7 speed stuff. I bent my cheapo Halfords tool like a banana when I came to shorten my 105 chain.
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    It can be tricky with a small chain tool. However, if you break the joining pin, you can always just use a KMC link (get the Campag version!). It's worth having one for emergencies anyway, and they come in packs of 2.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    It can be tricky with a small chain tool. However, if you break the joining pin, you can always just use a KMC link (get the Campag version!). It's worth having one for emergencies anyway, and they come in packs of 2.
    can these quick links be re-used as i have one on at the moment?
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    Yes. -wheel building and other stuff.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    The KMC 10 speed ones are reusable. SRAM say their 10 speed ones aren't, but several users on here report that they have got away with reusing them.

    I use the KMC 10 speed links on my 105 chains. So much easier than faffing with the snap-off Shimano joining pins.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    thanks all, does there become a point after removing a pin a few times it gets too slack/worn to be used?
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Do you mean quick link? I suppose once it stops clicking into place when installing it.

    My future chain purchases will be KMC, that way I'll get a new quick link with each chain.
  • Sodafarl
    Sodafarl Posts: 118
    Sorry if this is hijacking the post a bit. Can't offer any help but am looking some advice. I have a 5 month old Triban3 which was apparently serviced last week. I started a maintenance course with CRC and during the course they showed us a tool for checking to see if your chain or cassette(think) need changing and according to them my chain needs replaced.
    I am out on the bike almost every day but haven't done any big mileage 10 miles a day and maybe 25-50 over the weekend. Does it sound reasonable that the chain needs replaced so soon. If it does any recommendations or advice on type of chain, I am doing a 100 miler in April so wouldn't want to tempt fate. Sorry for the long wind post.

  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    If you've done that mileage every week through the winter it's quite conceivable that your chain is starting to wear. I replace mine at .75% wear, and so far each new chain has worked well with the original cassette.
  • Sodafarl
    Sodafarl Posts: 118
    Thanks for that, as I'm new to all this I wasn't sure.
