the supernatural/weird/unexplained/conspiracy theory/fortean

the playing mantis
the playing mantis Posts: 2,129
edited March 2013 in The cake stop
being inspired by soni's ufo claims and so excited by the anticipation of seeing his video, and the slightly divergent nature of that thread, i think we should have a thread dedicated to all things 'fortean'(see wikipedia for defintion of fortean). so here it is, please share your experiences on anything of that nature.

myself, i once saw a 'big' cat and cubs in a coombe in the quantock hills of somerset.


  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Conspiracy theory - the recent scandal about horse and pig meat being found in beef products is a cover story. In fact the testers actually detected human DNA...
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    I woke up one morning, everything was normal, opened the front door the world was green, I mean like black and white only green, I closed the front door and everything was normal full colour in the house, opened the door again and yes it was still green, went for a walk in my new green world, got back inside the house all colours present and correct, opened the door and my green world had gone back to the normal hues, I was quite disappointed.

    I was an art student, it was the '70's :wink:
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    I was staying in one of thems Eurocamp style sites in the South of France when I was 18 (I think). The month before we'd got there they had had one of those massive storms and a poor Dutch boy had been killed

    I went to the Toilet and while I was walking back to bed i was confronted with the vision of a small, blonde Boy standing in our caravan....

    It was for a nanosecond out of the corner of my eye and I was utterly wasted on "sangria"
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Akirasho
    Akirasho Posts: 1,892
    ... here in the US, we have both a population and a Congress that are so evenly and polarly split as to how to take a dump or rule the world as to be mathematically and statistically unpossible, yet, there we are...
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    ddraver wrote:
    I was staying in one of thems Eurocamp style sites in the South of France when I was 18 (I think). The month before we'd got there they had had one of those massive storms and a poor Dutch boy had been killed


    Anyways. I've seen a ghost in my house, and also bumped into it one night :shock: . This was when I was a teenager, and I now live in the same house again, having bought it from my mum

    My youngest son has also seen a 'ghost' there when he was about 3-4. He said he saw a "little boy standing at the bottom of the stairs, and he didn't have any feet". We didn't want to make anything of it so it didn't alarm him, but his description was of of someone in fancy dress (older clothing) and legs which stopped at the ankles, as if the figure was sunken into the floor and standing on another level, hence 'no feet'.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    You'd had a good night that night had you..? :wink:
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872

    you can't explain that
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    On 2 or 3 occasions I've experienced temporary paralysis while in bed, where I can clearly think but not move. Also I've experienced a floating sensation or a feeling of being pulled out of bed. Apparently it's quite common and is down to the brain being stuck in between a dream like state and conscious at same time.
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • i should have added i hae seen a ghost too (or what i can only decribe as a ghost), down in devon on one of the many avon rivers, near aveton gifford, whilst canoeing, he was walking along a tidal road either side of which was estuary mud, one minute he was there, look away for a second, look back and hes gone. no where he could have gone without us seeing.
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    ben@31 wrote:
    On 2 or 3 occasions I've experienced temporary paralysis while in bed, where I can clearly think but not move.

    Rohypnol is a b@tch.
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    A few weeks ago, I woke up in the morning and went for a shower. As I was getting out, there was a small redheaded woman smiling at me and said good morning. It looked and sounded like my wife but it was polite. I have never seen it, before or since. BIZARRE!!
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    When I enter a cycle race, even though I am the best cyclist by far, I never win. There is obviously some kind of conspiracy going on.

    Oh, and I've got a unicorn in my loft, but I don't think that affects my racing.
  • turn it up fellas, this was meant to be a a semi genuine thread! hence putting it in cake stop not bb. please no further 'attempts' at humour :twisted:
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    You want Genuine Conspiracy Theories?

    Gonna be a long wait! ;)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    edited March 2013
    OK then, here's a genuine one

    A couple of years ago I started having bad dreams about a certain person dying. This person had been quite close to me a long while ago but not within the last 8 years or so. Anyway, after several of these dreams in close succession I decided to Google their name and I discovered they had died a couple of years earlier, around the same time the dreams started. Since I found out I haven't had any more of these dreams.
  • :shock:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,160
    i should have added i hae seen a ghost too (or what i can only decribe as a ghost), down in devon on one of the many avon rivers, near aveton gifford, whilst canoeing, he was walking along a tidal road either side of which was estuary mud, one minute he was there, look away for a second, look back and hes gone. no where he could have gone without us seeing.

    Ooh, excellent - I'll recite this to the wife and kids the next time I drive along there in the dark (couple of weeks time) just to freak them out. Wierdest thing I've seen there was when driving along it just after the tide had gone out and there was a flounder flapping around in the middle of the road. I don't think that counts as unexplained though.
  • to clarify the location, as im a bit hazy on how many stretches of tidal bit there are on that road (i havent been down there in about 10 years since i was a teenager) this was the lowest downstream road section, where the small car parking bit is next to the amazing gardens of a big house just before the road climbs up and away from the river towards bigbury on sea?

    the funniest thing i have seen there is some local chavs in their souped up corsa attempting crossing the road when it was still covered in water (although not that deep) they got half way until the back end slid out and the back end 'herringboned' into the mud, much to the mausement of us onwatching. they caned the throttle a bit and somehow after a minute or so managed to right the rear end off the mud and get moving again, much to the dissapointment of us onlookers (although they would have blocked the road up had they got stuck which would have been no use! i imagine arear wheel drive car would have been fooked.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    The vast numbers of conspiracy theories out there have been deliberately initiated in order to keep people occupied and in ignorance of the genuine conspiracies. :mrgreen:
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Daz555 wrote:
    The vast numbers of conspiracy theories out there have been deliberately initiated in order to keep people occupied and in ignorance of the genuine conspiracies. :mrgreen:

    That is a South Park plot.

    NASA has given up arguing the moon landings were real because the accusers never listen to the answers they get and NASA ended up in a never-ending series of pointless questions. In isolation the moon landing conspiracies are quite compelling, but add some evidence and they're a bit lame.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    turn it up fellas, this was meant to be a a semi genuine thread! hence putting it in cake stop not bb. please no further 'attempts' at humour :twisted:

    Another one for you then.

    When I was about 4 or 5, I came home from school one day and it felt odd when I got home. Despite it being a spring/summer day, it was eerily quiet, and then I realised that there were no birds singing. I told my mum, and we both went out and listened to, well, nothing.

    Around an hour later, our neighbour came around and said that there was a call for us. ( Not many people had a phone at the time, we didn't until I was about 10). My mum took the call which was to say that my grandma, who had been in a nursing hospital for some time, had died at about 4:30, which was of course the time I got home to no birds singing.

    Although it's only happened once, whenever I notice it sometimes goes strangely quiet, it always puts me on edge until I find that everyone is ok.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Before starting college, i worked at the local parish council, cleaning signs, cutting back a hedge or 2 but mostly doing sod all, one day i was asked to dig a grave, the sexton had called in sick and i was the only one available - turns out the husband had died a few years earlier and now his wife, recently departed, wanted to be on top.
    it was pixxing with rain and as i got nearer the original 'box, there was a load crack and i dropped down about a foot, as the lid gave in and i found myself standing in yellow ish slop, the smell was out of this world, it looked like porridge.

    I ve a true ghost story too, involving stealing slates, a dog, a painter with a hidden sword in his cane and his recently sectioned wife.
  • Giraffoto
    Giraffoto Posts: 2,078
    Capt Slog wrote:
    Despite it being a spring/summer day, it was eerily quiet, and then I realised that there were no birds singing. I told my mum, and we both went out and listened to, well, nothing.

    This can also mean there's a cat about. Who may or may not belong to a witch.
    Specialized Roubaix Elite 2015
    XM-057 rigid 29er
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Never seen a "ghost" but have experienced strange things. Best one was in an oldish house owned by English Heritage. The missus was trying to take a photo with her new digi camera, I was standing right behind, helping her out when I THOUGHT I saw (via her viewfinder) a patch of mist move quickly across where she was pointing the camera. I didn't say anything but about 20 seconds after that, a huge oak door which was kept open suddenly slammed shut! As the property was unfurnished and the rooms are huge, it made hell of a racket! It wasn't windy outside and there was no-one else in the house as we were the first visiters that day.
    I re-opened the door which is bigger than your normal house-hold door and it was heavy. It would have taken a human some power to slam it shut.
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Used to know this nutter who kept going on about 'orbs' in her photos...

    i.e. dust in the air that the camera flash highlights :lol:
  • mamba 80 thats is gross. think i would have chundered and needed counselling
  • amun1000
    amun1000 Posts: 242
    About 35 years ago we used to make our own tissue hot air balloons about 4ft high using coat hangers, cotton wool for the meths and tissue paper. Y'know the sort you can buy nowadays

    One November night my brother and I set a couple of these off over the North Yorkshire Moors and couple of hours later people started calling into local radio stations saying they'd seen UFO's flying through the skies

    we never let on :)
    When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. H.G. Wells
  • you wernt in calpe in the summer of 1999 were u!!!???
  • kieranb
    kieranb Posts: 1,674
    when camping as a scout we put our tent up directly in front of the gates of an old private cemetry in a field. During the night one of the wooden poles (it was an old army tent, canvas and wooden ploes),about 1 to 2 inches thick, holding the tent up broke in half. Woke us all up, but we all went back to sleep and had a good night's rest, no bad dreams or ghosts seen.